Message from @turtwig

Discord ID: 508324848708354048

2018-11-03 16:49:17 UTC  

which one is the wife

2018-11-03 16:49:22 UTC  


2018-11-03 16:49:31 UTC  

Those are all daughters

2018-11-03 16:49:43 UTC  

so all them are his wives

2018-11-03 16:49:49 UTC  


2018-11-03 16:50:09 UTC  

This isn't Game of Thrones

2018-11-03 16:50:20 UTC  

that is one of the most tradcon pics ive seen in a while

He's shooting blanks! LOL!

Have my Daughter back at 10:01

I'm too Liberal for this dress length and time limits

Let her turn 18 and then I let go and God takes the wheel

2018-11-03 16:59:52 UTC  

I don't think I could have a daughter

2018-11-03 16:59:59 UTC  

I really don't want to go to jail

2018-11-03 17:00:27 UTC  

I'm not brown enough to avoid a murder conviction

2018-11-03 17:00:53 UTC  

women have no worth

Fuck off my God Daughter is worth atleast 28 Camels

2018-11-03 17:01:28 UTC  

I'm extra white

2018-11-03 17:01:52 UTC  

wearing a 13 year old winter-een-mas t-shirt

2018-11-03 17:02:02 UTC  

my whiteness is off the charts

so you don't own any Camels?

2018-11-03 17:02:49 UTC

He's a Gam0r-Gat0r

2018-11-03 17:05:34 UTC  


2018-11-03 17:05:52 UTC  

I didn't even know what the fuck gamergate was

2018-11-03 17:05:58 UTC  

until well into the bullshit

2018-11-03 17:06:10 UTC  

somehow I managed to completely avoid it

2018-11-03 17:06:53 UTC  

How did you avoid it

2018-11-03 17:07:20 UTC  

I mean that’s quite impressive @turtwig

2018-11-03 17:08:32 UTC  

I really have no idea, I went from operating a fuckin *chan image board to having no idea what is going on online

2018-11-03 17:08:39 UTC  

probably due to turtwife tbh

I had BrooWife and fought in the first meme war <:pepe_smug:378719408341909506>

2018-11-03 17:11:32 UTC  


2018-11-03 17:11:44 UTC  

I took part in many bullshit anonymous things

Before Weaponised Memes?

2018-11-03 17:13:22 UTC  

I think we had the most prolific /i/