Message from @Puritus Maximus
Discord ID: 356271508252786690
Holy shit horse meat is cheap in this city
It went up a lot.
Used to get it for about 8 bucks a kilo and now it's nearly 12.
@JoeJonesJoe how much you paying? And it makes sense it would be cheaper given the French are the main market.
6 and change for a kilo
A kilo of pork loin was about 8
Wow nibba where are you shopping? @JoeJonesJoe 😮
near jean talon metro
to be fair it was on sale
@FriendlyFash ahhh I love horsemeat but it's 12$ for the loaf?
Meat does not come in loafs. The man makes the loaf. And Christ chicken often is near 25 a kilo so 12 is still reasonable when not on special.
But I got to hating the sickly sweet flavor of it.
had too much?
cuz I like sweets....
Yeah during one of my cuts back when it was regularly priced at 8$ a kilo I ate it for months.
oh lol
so its cheap?
like compared to other meats?
It was, now it's gone up 50%
I rather wait until pork loin is on special.
oh god I just ordered some on epanneur
fills you up without carbs
If you know how to spice it you can enjoy it
I just got the ground stuff as the steaks are too stringy.
ground pork??
Ive heard of ground beef but goddamn
how is it?
Nigga you have some sort of ADD
Horse meat.
lmao ok
wait no you were talking about pork loin
fking spergs man!
anyways ya ground horsemeat is ay so fash
so very very fash
people who eat horse meat are the lowest race
even ancient peoples including stone age cavemen didn't eat horsemeat
horses have always been sacred to Europeans, it's modern Jews who convinced us it is ok to eat horse like Koreans or South Chinese eat dogs
Yeah idk why but I always was very disgusted by horse meat
Since I've heard they previously didnt eat it
I even found a headline once while breaking walls, there were OLD newspapers in the wall
One of the headlines was "La viande de cheval est mangeable!"