Message from @tinaVey
Discord ID: 277988561058529282
I've been slowly redpilling a friend of mine. Disguised stuff as mere memes and jokes, but now he's taking some of these things seriously. Mostly the retardation that the left has, and an understanding that some of the shit they propose won't work well
With luck i'll be able to get more in-depth with some conservative stuff, only been able to scratch the surface so far
how to change profile pic
are you guys libertarian? what's with the focus on the snake in the emblem?
I mean you can get nicer imagery using the eagle, the luftwaffe logo was amazing, but you can pass the eagle off as american easily
Because sneks are fuckin' adorable
traditionalist conservative is the true redpill
pol is hevola fascism and hoppe libertarianism with a pinch of conservatism imo
evola fascism for the win
or its national socialism
@Cœur de Lion I mean, Libertarian is pretty close to what most of the founding fathers believed
@Cœur de Lion Scales symbolism, plus the implication of dont tread on me & hostility against antifa
how do you change your profile pic?
yeah libertarianism was the US for first 200 years
little cog on the bottom left
Eh I thought it was in reference to the snake poem
Which turned into its own thing
final ver
found on /pol. too much nazi, or just the right amount?
you know eagle is a symbol of all non pleb civilizations right
including romans
An eagle is also a symbol for an eagle
eagle is easily roman or US, but the german words are probably too far
isn't antifa's flag in german?
I mean I don't mind how far right this group goes, there's little to the right of me but at least fly under teh radar for a while
antifa flag is french
Did Antifa pretty much rise greatly within the last 8 years in the USA or did I just start caring about it until recently?
soros money does that
I saw them in Europe years ago but never here