Message from @white_north
Discord ID: 352135687275020288
This movement needs the God Emperor
He cucked on Syria and now did the surge of troops to Afganistan, his cabinet is all being Shoad, it doesn't look good.
Still better than anything else we've had.
No I mean the real God Emperor!
el duce?
brb gonna put in abit of work here
What's up White north , what happened to you
hey man
Been a while
bordeaux and garbage
prolly meeting shawn tonight
how you been
Going to wreck em legs and have a pint with a fashy goy
Everytime I see some blue haired faggot, or otherwise poz person come into my place of work I'm sure I'm done for.
some transqueer commie
All the pictures they publish of me I have sunglasses on, so perhaps without them I'm unrecognizable.
kinda sucks all that drama 😦
Going to be a shit show whenever I go apply for a new job or place to live. You Google my name and it's supremacist this and Nazi that.
hah some old kike lady got caught shoplifting at pharmapricks
She'll probably get some jew lawyer to defend pro Bono, with a jew judge
Hey I'm also in côte-des-negres
More like côte-des-philipinos where I am
They all need to go anyway
kartouche me and bubonic are gonna meet tonight
maybe we can all get together at some point
@Kartouche feel free to pm if you'd like to drop in tonight cucks discussing 'what it means to be a man in 2017'. According to them, 'it's really brave for men to cry'.
'Disgusting' doesn't even start to describe it
Ignore the poz and make some gains
Sound advice
There are times when I don't feel like training. Then I watch some tv with all the faggotery and miscegenation, and all the motivation to smash weights comes back.
awesome time last night with kartouche and bubonic