Message from @turtwig

Discord ID: 525624100975280128

2018-12-21 10:08:22 UTC  

i bet they play Fortnite together every Sunday

Fortnite is Degenerate

2018-12-21 10:14:59 UTC  

having a wholesome family life is degenerate

A Wife, Kid and a Bunny?

You need Church

My favourite Tucker line is when they say he hates California cus he works for Fox News

2018-12-21 10:38:29 UTC  

my boss just did me a solid

2018-12-21 10:38:37 UTC  

"here turtwig let me swap that for you"

2018-12-21 10:38:59 UTC


2018-12-21 10:41:36 UTC  

shelf done also

2018-12-21 10:41:45 UTC

2018-12-21 10:41:46 UTC  

it's almost as if I know what I'm doing

Ok you can wrap the shelf now

You got the tools tho

2018-12-21 10:42:27 UTC  


2018-12-21 10:42:31 UTC  

beer is the tool

I'd be in the kitchen with a pair of scissors and prit-stick

maybe a Scalpel and PVA

and a metal rule

2018-12-21 10:58:51 UTC

2018-12-21 11:12:13 UTC  

Nuke china

2018-12-21 11:29:18 UTC  


2018-12-21 11:49:06 UTC
You might think we should have made this public a week ago, and I will accept that critizism. Most youtubers found out two days after Sargon was banned from Patreon that it was Ethan Ralph and his crew that reported him to patreon and got him banned. They spent weeks in his server searching through his social media, gathering every single second of every little thing that Sargon said over the course of 6 years that could be used to report him. They gathered all of it in a paste bin and then went on a mass reporting campaign where they all emailed the contents of that pastebin to the Patreon trust and safety council.
Whats really disgusting about it all is the cowardice. Because they all pretended to be SJWs as they did this, so they didnt even have the courage to go public with their own intentions.
Ralph and his crew were too dumb to notice that people were spying on them in their server, OBS recording and taking screencaps of them as they were doing this. Here are some of the screencaps:

2018-12-21 11:51:46 UTC  

Ethan might be responsible for sinking Patreon

2018-12-21 11:56:28 UTC  

And here is the pastebin they made, pretending to be SJWs and reported Sargons patreon account with.

Another big irony is that the way you get into Ralphs flagging server is by becoming a patreon of his. So you literally pay Ralph on patreon to go and flag other peoples patreon accounts:

2018-12-21 11:56:43 UTC  

think about shooting your self in the foot.....

2018-12-21 11:56:46 UTC  

2018-12-21 11:56:53 UTC  

shooting everyone in the foot

2018-12-21 11:58:12 UTC  

`what a bunch of fucking niggers`

2018-12-21 11:58:21 UTC  

They wanted to sink sargon

2018-12-21 11:58:27 UTC  

he may be unpopular before, I don't think I want see the shit storm when this get traction as both sides will go after his throat