Message from @boilerplate
Discord ID: 392538190763917322
Because they aren't as principled.
Mediterraneans, Slavs, Greeks, Germans, Spaniards, Nords, and Anglos are all represented in pic related.
And we all hate the jew.
Whether you're Catholic, Pagan, Agnostic, or Lutheran, we share this fight ❤
I don't mean to start an issue here. But I've grown tired of this. And I want to understand why? It usually has an optics thing attached
They at this point represent class difference and division.
Which Hitler had a quote for:
"These people spoke plainly but they spoke of things of great magnitude, something that is impossible for an intellectual, for his instinct drives him towards either analyzing and dismantling and picking away at things until there is nothing left; or towards making mountains out of molehills as they proceed to over-intellectualize the most basic of things. Intellect left to its own devices is a tool for tearing at the very fabric of reality or satisfying one’s own ego, whereas the intellect subservient to great character is a creative force that helps us return closer to the Truth.
These types think themselves to be the next social elite, whereupon they can occupy stuffy cabinets with leather chairs and sip wine whilst stroking each other’s egos over meaningless yammering coated in complex wording. Well let them dream. Reality of the matter is, however, that history shall repeat itself once again, as these intellectuals will find themselves trampled underneath the jackboots of “low brow” “thugs” (the favored insult towards fascists in the past, all of them, from Hitler and Mussolini to Sir Oswald Mosley and Rockwell, to Codreanu, Italo Balbo, Joseph Tommasi and etc) – the very ones they thought would be doing their bidding.
And from the ranks of those “thugs” the new elite will come forth." - Adolf Hitler
Reminder that NSDAP speakers were regularly imprisoned and the party often faced bans.
*Yes higher, and higher, and higher towards the sun*
*Despite bans and hate*
Those lyrics in the Kampflied had a reason behind them.
Even the title
I like anyone and anything pro white
I’m not picky
Pro white is always good in my book
Did someone say I E?? <:IE:390573776166846466> <:IE:390573776166846466> <:IE:390573776166846466> <:IE:390573776166846466> <:IE:390573776166846466> <:IE:390573776166846466> <:IE:390573776166846466> <:IE:390573776166846466>
I visited this today
Wow cool! Where is this??
Denton, TX
There's a confederate memorial right downtown where I grew up in Madisonville. The hands are broken where he once held a rifle.
We marched right through town and by it for the Christmas parade of 13 I believe?
W e w
Imagine thinking gay traitor commies were right wingers.
I literally can't even
Oh wait..
Imagine thinking the Jugend weren't bussed to church by the SS until 1943.
@AltCelt(IL) Haven't I seen this guy in the black sun group/INC, or was that someone else?
@Matt ✠ do you mean Boilerplate?
I just feel like I've seen this guy elsewhere
Me? Lol
no I was asking if Didact was in the INC group