Message from @Goblin_Slayer_Floki

Discord ID: 528987117636943902

2018-12-30 16:52:26 UTC  

@King Canuck#6166 wtf

2018-12-30 16:53:09 UTC  


2018-12-30 16:59:57 UTC  


2018-12-30 17:00:58 UTC  
2018-12-30 17:01:44 UTC  

Old newz

2018-12-30 17:02:07 UTC  

If sargon makes a vid on it, its qlready old newz

2018-12-30 17:12:26 UTC  

Still hilarious though.

2018-12-30 17:16:55 UTC  

Is this guy /ourjeet/?

2018-12-30 17:19:28 UTC

Best reply. Basically, yea you can be a tory, as long as you think like labor.

2018-12-30 17:23:31 UTC  

Its a law against businesses in contract with the state government not to be political. The issue is bds is the only huge national program. Which is quasi illegal because only government representatives can sanction a nation.

The law doesnt say she could go in the store and pick non israeli over israeli. The law clearly states in terms of business with the government, there cannot be x.

2018-12-30 17:23:42 UTC  

>crazed libertarian who supports Brexit

2018-12-30 17:23:45 UTC  


2018-12-30 17:24:30 UTC  

Its a false flag. Government contracts have always had restrictions on various political and other things. Hell why do you think musk got in trouble for smoking weed when it is legal in cali?

2018-12-30 17:24:46 UTC  

That one was overthrown

2018-12-30 17:25:02 UTC  

That wasnt a law, the mayor tried to enforce it

2018-12-30 17:25:19 UTC  

States cant boycot states.

2018-12-30 17:25:49 UTC  

No state can hinder the free trade and movement between states

2018-12-30 17:25:56 UTC  

Its in the constitution

2018-12-30 17:26:19 UTC  

It’s the Jews my dude, there’s literally no other explanation.

2018-12-30 17:26:37 UTC  

Why do you anti semites all sound the same?

2018-12-30 17:26:44 UTC  

It’s boring.

2018-12-30 17:26:46 UTC  

And it was probably quickly overturned.

Your mixing up legeslative law and executive orders. What the mayor did was a eo essentially that was overthrown.

2018-12-30 17:27:10 UTC  

>u-ur a npc

2018-12-30 17:27:17 UTC  

That memes dead mate

2018-12-30 17:27:47 UTC  

Thats between states

2018-12-30 17:28:58 UTC  

But tbh the gove or anyone can put pretty much anything in a contract they want. So long as it doesnt violate descrimination laws. No one makes you accept it.

2018-12-30 17:31:59 UTC  

The krux of the arguement with that texas law is a misnomer. The law clearly notes it is talking about the business, or contractor business in contract with the government. Not the individual. The woman at the center of the contoversy can still boycot on a personal/individual level for her fake state palestine.

But in business and when opporating on behalf or with the state, she cannot. Its a law on the business not her personal life.

2018-12-30 17:33:03 UTC  

If its not with the government, its not part of the contract.

2018-12-30 17:34:06 UTC  

But the only one to really voice on it was a teacher.

2018-12-30 17:35:13 UTC  

You only really get blanket rules like the weed in production, because they handle gov and non gov contracts at the same time.

2018-12-30 17:35:19 UTC  

Like what?

2018-12-30 17:35:31 UTC  

Ristrictions on free speech in a contract?

2018-12-30 17:38:08 UTC  

Well lets be honest. There hasnt been a national organization pushing for the boycott of our allies in the past.

2018-12-30 17:38:29 UTC  

While promoting a group that hates us.

2018-12-30 17:39:43 UTC  

Inb4 Isreal is not an ally.

2018-12-30 17:40:48 UTC  

Nor do we have a history of foriegn groups pushing our businesses to boycott another group

2018-12-30 17:41:32 UTC  

I wouldnt say it doesnt need to exist. I would say it really shouldnt need to exist

2018-12-30 17:42:11 UTC  
