Message from @turtwig

Discord ID: 529026169924878354

2018-12-30 19:37:08 UTC  

be a nationalist or be removed from society

2018-12-30 19:39:32 UTC  

in china they dive in to your skull from the day you are born that you are the property of china and everything you do have to be in the best of the nation and anyone that devieats from that will be re-educated or removed from society

2018-12-30 19:39:38 UTC  

How's that differen to being a muslim?

2018-12-30 19:40:03 UTC  

you don't have to be from a particular country to be Muslim?

2018-12-30 19:40:27 UTC  

china don't blow up evetime someone make fun of them, they just give you the economical cold shoulder for a few years

2018-12-30 19:44:38 UTC  

But in majority muslim countries you will get isolated/discriminated against if you aren't a muslim.

2018-12-30 19:47:33 UTC  

you will be in the centre of attention if you are a none Muslim in a Muslim nation. to bad everyone around you have stones

2018-12-30 19:50:02 UTC  

It's hard to not be noticed when you're the only guy not praying 5 times a day

2018-12-30 19:50:35 UTC  

you will be dead if you're a non Muslim in a Muslim nation

2018-12-30 19:50:40 UTC  

@Fitzydog and you're the only nigga digging into in a rack of ribs

2018-12-30 19:51:09 UTC  

<:oof:494878589406150657> <:oof:494878589406150657>

2018-12-30 19:51:54 UTC  

TFW a pack of Muslims smell your bacon down the street

2018-12-30 19:53:26 UTC  

Which is more oppressive, being forced to support the dominant party or being forced to religion

2018-12-30 19:53:35 UTC  

@Fitzydog you can't trust those who don't eat pork

2018-12-30 19:53:53 UTC  

around vegans, never relax

2018-12-30 19:56:50 UTC  

@galesteppes <:makes_you_think:382980749780844554>

2018-12-30 19:57:20 UTC  

@teme In Islam, that's the same thing

2018-12-30 20:00:41 UTC  

Shit are you guys choosing between chongs and mudslimes

2018-12-30 20:00:55 UTC  

chongs every time

2018-12-30 20:00:59 UTC  


2018-12-30 20:01:07 UTC  

it's not even a choice

2018-12-30 20:01:23 UTC  

I have an arwing now

2018-12-30 20:01:26 UTC  

chongs are productive

2018-12-30 20:01:31 UTC  

I really hate the mentality but still better to be a machine than a religious fuck

2018-12-30 20:01:57 UTC  

^coming from me

2018-12-30 20:02:15 UTC  

begone catholic

2018-12-30 20:02:27 UTC  

sounds like 40k

2018-12-30 20:02:28 UTC  

odin best god

2018-12-30 20:02:30 UTC  

a machine is predictable a religious fuck nut is not

2018-12-30 20:02:59 UTC  

Least chong women can be cute

2018-12-30 20:03:55 UTC  

why do you think muslims hide their women?

2018-12-30 20:04:40 UTC  

cute chong women? u sure?

2018-12-30 20:05:05 UTC  

they are afraid if they was let outside we steal them as western men do with all woman of all races

2018-12-30 20:07:03 UTC  

There are some.

2018-12-30 20:09:30 UTC  

@turtwig cuter than a turtle for a wife

2018-12-30 20:09:46 UTC  

i dunno if gab is all that good at business

2018-12-30 20:09:53 UTC  

they've only just started looking at overseas banking options

2018-12-30 20:10:00 UTC  

they've had months

2018-12-30 20:10:03 UTC  

@galesteppes dumbass, his wife is human

2018-12-30 20:10:05 UTC  

they've had months to look

2018-12-30 20:10:10 UTC  

my wife is a turtle