Message from @backstreetgoy-TN
Discord ID: 304671095687086090
What do you think
Thats all from one slug? Da fuk!
It had to be with a weapon
Yeah man
It doesn't seem like an impact with a fist could give you a fucking black eye and break your lower jaw at once
The nigs were on the prowl, could have been anything
Especially when you are not even expecting it
And someone gets you full force
I'm trying to figure out how I can keep this eye from swelling shut again
I just took a nice warm shower and it feels a little better
Maybe petroleum jelly?
You're in bad shape bro.
Gotta get that repaired or you'll regret it at my age.
How old are ya
I'm 30
88 ;)
Wow, how long have you been a Nazi? Have any general advice for us young​ fellas
Lol, I'm nearly 46.
Nazi for one year only.
I'm a late bloomer.
Same though Im 21.
Nice bro
They send out a comic book stickers and cards
With every purchase
Ugh, poor guy. I know how your face feels, cause it's killin me, lol.
The fuck happened to you!? You get into a fight with a door knob?
Some sportsball player from auburn did it
I appreciate all the support from you Goyim
I got a knockoff Golden Dawn shirt. Not happy with the color fade.
You guys have kept my spirits up for sure
So I've been pondering joining twp for awhile now... what's it cost me
To be honest, if the media didn't portray us as inbred hicks who hate for no reason, I would've been here much sooner. My awakening with spooks happened in 1986
Yeah goy, you got a big sack man, took one for the team. I hope that nigger lover is located
Yeah I wish the jq was easier for people to swallow, it's so damn apparent.
There has been a paradigm shift in global consciousness. Happened big time right around 2012.
It's growing more each day.
I keep thinking, so this is what it looks like when they're about to be removed for their host nations.
Yeah, it would be glorious to have a government that didn't fuck working for the benefit of bankers and loser minorities
*working whites
I pray for the day when some media outlet names the jew