Message from @Cirno

Discord ID: 538967864279957505

2019-01-27 05:19:03 UTC

2019-01-27 05:24:30 UTC  

Sucks. I wanted to join the Air Force since I was in kindergarten and my mother tried to dissuade me all my life.

2019-01-27 05:27:01 UTC  

When I was 16 or 17 I asked my psychiatrist, a retired AF Colonel. My mom said they woukdn't take me and I wanted to prove her wrong. The doctor told me they won't. I cried for days. Was literally my dream. Mother says she felt so heartbroken, Id never been so sad. I even held out hope and took the ASVAB, scored really high, and all branches were calling me day and night. One came to the house. Then all said no.

2019-01-27 05:27:49 UTC  

So it feels so weird knowing your buddy got killed in the Navy for no goddamn reason, when you wanted (and still want really) to do something similar.

2019-01-27 05:28:00 UTC  


2019-01-27 05:28:22 UTC  

was this during obama's mothball?

2019-01-27 05:28:31 UTC  


2019-01-27 05:29:03 UTC  

I'm 26 now. Past my prime.

2019-01-27 05:29:18 UTC  

what was the reason they gave?

2019-01-27 05:29:24 UTC  

I had wanted to go to the Air Force Academy and become an officer

2019-01-27 05:29:44 UTC  

Medication, previous diagnoses.

2019-01-27 05:29:54 UTC  


2019-01-27 05:30:14 UTC  

I tried to quit my meds and it fucked me up bad

2019-01-27 05:31:24 UTC  

They don't want autistic kids anyway so. I still regret it, probably always will. I feel like I was *supposed to.*

2019-01-27 05:33:32 UTC  

Wanted to carry on the family history that way. Wanted to be part of something more important than myself. Now I look for jobs at McDonalds and get no responses despite going there twice.

2019-01-27 05:34:00 UTC  


2019-01-27 05:35:54 UTC  

I can only look at the world fucking itself and yell at people on the internet. Not sure where the path I was meant to take was. But I certainly passed it up.

2019-01-27 05:36:54 UTC  

I’m sorry man

2019-01-27 05:39:36 UTC  

Nah, I'm pretty sure I did this to myself, I'm just not sure how. Or when. I wanted to become an astronautical engineer. After being turned down by the Airforce that is. Thought, maybe I could just serve that way. Nope. LSU had that as a course listed, but failed to mention it was not ready yet. Nearest place for it was too far and too expensive.

2019-01-27 05:43:24 UTC  

Completely lost my course, no clear goals, so no future. Ambition just poured outta me. I was so arrogantly sure of myself that I never prepared to live this sort of life. I focused upon school instead of getting a part time job. I was active in band, and ROTC. I didn't think I could wind up enemployed. Now I don't feel passion for anything. I guess that's normal. But I spent longer and longer in college, and when I finally graduated in something semi-interesting that was supposed to have career opportunities here, I found none.

2019-01-27 06:26:20 UTC  

a man has been, for the last 10 YEARS, putting hamsters in tiny underwater habitats

2019-01-27 06:26:33 UTC  

with the full intention of going as big with this idea as possible

2019-01-27 06:26:38 UTC  

that poor soul

2019-01-27 06:26:40 UTC  

for no other reason than he could

2019-01-27 06:27:12 UTC  

i dont think we need rats at the bottom of the sea

2019-01-27 06:27:37 UTC  

he even built them a tiny sub to ferry them from habitat to habitat

2019-01-27 06:28:09 UTC  

lol wow

2019-01-27 06:33:02 UTC  
2019-01-27 07:10:32 UTC  

>"Underwater hamster objectivism."


2019-01-27 08:55:24 UTC  

Tulsi is BAE


2019-01-27 09:51:58 UTC  

I'd vote for tulsi

2019-01-27 09:52:12 UTC  

But I doubt she will win the primaries

2019-01-27 09:52:31 UTC  

Maybe I will register democrat just to vote for her

2019-01-27 09:53:04 UTC  

Are primaries winner takes all? If so, then I probably may as well not vote, living in Cali

Tulsi isn't Loonie enough for the Democrats

2019-01-27 10:17:33 UTC  

no thots

2019-01-27 10:17:56 UTC  

Pp time