Message from @Mr. Robo`tó
Discord ID: 542756418290188298
good for him, i never voted....
i was gonna vote now for the first time... but it seems that i do not have to do it, since sPAIN is correcting it self.
@Broo TulsiGang 2024 🇬🇧 🇺🇸 get rekt libtard
voting.... at the end of the day is broken and needs reform.... i am not up to compete with my vote against tsunamis of zombies with void reasons.
@Mr. Robo`tó you're the reason leftists win elections
>too lazy to walk, or drive to 1 building, and check a couple boxes
democracy is big gay tho
@M4Gunner u did not debated any of the 2 reasons i gave....
you debate ideas, not excuses
it's perfectly fine to abstain from voting if you do not have any strong political views
but whining about the system so you can save yourself 40 minutes of work a year is just weak and pathetic
dont be such a nihilistic little shit
and i am told by a dude with a falus in the picture.... that loves other pictures depicting metal scraps with a falus.....
you got a problem with my gundick?
seems like jealousy
you just wish *you* were a tank
u still did not debated my arguments
2 of them The gift that keeps on giving 1024/1024th of the time...
you didnt pose them as arguments, just reasons
you want me to prove that the voting system is well-implemented? its not
fuckin nailed it
i dont not go to work just because the equipment sucks and my boss is a fat faggot
1.- the choice is always narrow limited... crap
2.- all people who does not have an idea of what is going on voting for a hair color or a sexuality or a color of skin.....
checkmate feminists
2. go ahead and let them have all the say by staying home
1. there are numerous alternative parties but people do not vote for them
working men think of their own complaints as things to fix moving forward--not an excuse to stay home