Message from @M4Gunner
Discord ID: 552987926527737908
oooh this is a nice one
i've always thought saying allah in english was weird
I can just say God
christians who speak arabic say allah
bitch nigga
get rebt liktards
man it seems like these days every young woman has an autistic son
you see a qt on facebook, you bout to click Like but then you like "wait but does she have an autistic son"
He can make memes for you
i can make my own memes
long way back some kids were born with deformed genetilia so they just clearcut it and reassigned
ruined kids entire lives
i saw this on TV when i was a kid
latenight TV investigative journalism after TGIF
and Bawbwawa Wawturs
yeah uh this isn't going to turn out well
i am so horrified for our nation's children
to what
yeah thats gay
Oh the tales that I bring
uh Guardian
From 2002
Seems pretty accurate
thanks for increasing my horror for our nation's children