Message from @My Name Is Hate
Discord ID: 316376117487337472
Among other things. "Yes" to firing squads. ⚡️🙋🏼⚡️
Yes, militia duty will be guaranteed and a good addition
But firing squads, i wrote it, deleted it, and rewrote it
Duterte your local drug dealer
And honestly, winning victories in Appalachia, they are calling for this
@dd✳555 was just going to say that
Call me when you're ready to establish the Ministry of point 25
Honestly once you establish points 1-24 in an effective way, point 25 will basically take care of itself, those are all symptoms of a sick society
@MatthewHeimbach I can't get into and view the document. Have you read NRM's ''Our Way'' also?
Yes lethal injection drugs are a very ignoble way to go the person getting the firing squad should be given the opportunity to go to their end with honor even if they lived their lives dishonorably
Overall I like it, it's clear, to the point. Obviously you can tighten it up a little here & there & have it go through legal review, but it's good, it's a great platform & it's exactly why I'm here.
Isnt National Socialism great!
It is
EH as the state religion would be my only addendum😉
It fits every aspect of your life perfectly almost as if it came from God
i would join back if you get the regions to work
Esoteric Heimbachism?
And I like the idea of a swift death penalty by firing squad. It's very humane, yet efficient. All points are spot on. Proud to be part of this.
cause this discord isn't much
Esoteric Heimbach
@Japzzi yes i have
Esoteric Heimbachism
love you guys
Im making an image
of esoteric heimbach
Hail Heimbach! o/
@keksmix one of the better moments of the rally
Ill never forget it lol
That & the white power lightning hour
that was pretty awesome, gotta love that 88 can take on an additional meaning 😃
are you ready
for my terrible
Hail Heimbach! 🙋
21st century young hitler in our midst.