Message from @parrott
Discord ID: 385605633312948237
Kessler could have some fun media and legal trolling traction out of the permit filing itself, the actual event may be a spook, anyway.
Hope so
@Major (AL)#9871
Am Jewish
Lmfao. Notice how our detractors are always anonymous.
Sweden yes
He isn't anonymous. He's Goku.
Why do they keep spelling my name like that?
Is that a thing?
I understand the Seinfeld references and the Costanza pic don't help my case but I'll bust out my 0.0% Jewish ancestry DNA if I have to
>Expecting people that engage in counter-productive slander to be able to spell.
Well they keep using that exact spelling is the thing lol
I can see how the urge to slip the letter R right there.
Maybe it's an attempt at an embedded insult. Tony WhoreVader
I sense a new meme coming
My problem is I always want to spell it Hovator.
TradWorker is
> gunfights at their events
a bunch of unprofessional and trashy losers
> gets chased out of unheated barn
whose organization isn't as serious as ours
> changes entire leadership for the seventh time
and is controlled opposition.
> secret opaque star chamber selects leaders and funds them
Where the fuck is my shill payment? Rent is coming up. 0:28 it's made Alex Jones. I can rest in piece now *soul passes on to water filter heaven*
White Juche ≠ NazBol
>the goyim can't know if you kill the story 😎
Matt isn't NazBol? I think I have to leave now
@AustraliaCalling I've heard about them before
They are fucking retarded
Someone on the Fascism General server posted a pic of their leadership, lemme find it
White Juche is like NazBol but without the anti-Nazi and Jewy soviet civic nationalist stank.
Can't find that pic, don't think it was that server after all
What's Alex Jones' spin on Whorvator? Is he a reptilian? A globalist controlled operation?
just noticed the guy on the far right
He just mentioned it. I'm not about to wade through a 2 hour episode for a blip about me haha
But probably controlled op I'd imagine
I know the guy who leads it.
Media gate keepers trying to discredit Trump or something