Message from @Major (AL)
Discord ID: 385603901682089995
More Pikeville style, show legitimacy to whites
Kessler is planning on working with the cville PD again it looked like
This will surely work out well
Why waste resources on other peoples shit when we can invest those same resources in growth and our own projects? Going back to Cville is like replaying a level that you already beat before even finishing the game.
It's several months away. We're going to pretend we didn't see it.
Kessler could have some fun media and legal trolling traction out of the permit filing itself, the actual event may be a spook, anyway.
Hope so
@Major (AL)#9871
Am Jewish
Lmfao. Notice how our detractors are always anonymous.
Sweden yes
He isn't anonymous. He's Goku.
Why do they keep spelling my name like that?
Is that a thing?
I understand the Seinfeld references and the Costanza pic don't help my case but I'll bust out my 0.0% Jewish ancestry DNA if I have to
Well they keep using that exact spelling is the thing lol
I can see how the urge to slip the letter R right there.
Maybe it's an attempt at an embedded insult. Tony WhoreVader
I sense a new meme coming
My problem is I always want to spell it Hovator.
TradWorker is
> gunfights at their events
a bunch of unprofessional and trashy losers
> gets chased out of unheated barn
whose organization isn't as serious as ours
> changes entire leadership for the seventh time
and is controlled opposition.
> secret opaque star chamber selects leaders and funds them
Where the fuck is my shill payment? Rent is coming up. 0:28 it's made Alex Jones. I can rest in piece now *soul passes on to water filter heaven*
White Juche ≠ NazBol
>the goyim can't know if you kill the story 😎
Matt isn't NazBol? I think I have to leave now
@AustraliaCalling I've heard about them before
They are fucking retarded
Someone on the Fascism General server posted a pic of their leadership, lemme find it
White Juche is like NazBol but without the anti-Nazi and Jewy soviet civic nationalist stank.
Can't find that pic, don't think it was that server after all
What's Alex Jones' spin on Whorvator? Is he a reptilian? A globalist controlled operation?