Message from @MatthewHeimbach
Discord ID: 364598801840996353
@MatthewHeimbach “Honor means loyalty toward God’s order of creation, toward the life laws, toward the voice of blood, toward himself. The Almighty has placed the laws of action for people and folks in their blood inside them, in their conscience. To be loyal to these divine laws and hence to be an executor and fulfiller of the divine work of creation and of the will of creation, that is the greatest and highest thing for people, that is their honor.”
- Anton Holzner
Aye, very true
@MatthewHeimbach i'm curious about your position on the non-White orthodox
Out of boundless altruism we should speed up them reaching the heavenly joys.
Dr. Pierce said we shouldn't even *consider* famine relief for them
i see his point
but i know the Church would disagree
The St. Petersburg Theological Academy in May 2001 released a document on globalism that stated “The ideology of globalization is in opposition to the Christian world outlook and incompatible to it; it takes root and is propagandized in the secular society and the Church through the efforts of the world elite and it expresses its interests. Globalization becomes an embodiment of the utopian idea of mondialism about creation of a unitary, supranational and rigidly controlled community on Earth.”
Globalism, of which even food aid would be a part, is against the church
Besides, foreign aid is generally counterproductive even if you felt for the negro orthococks.
If hypothetically EVERY single one of our people in our nation was taken care of, then our next duty would be all Europeans, and so on
Out duty isnt to pad the pockets of some somali warlord even if he is orthodox
And those niggers who were hungry when WLP recorded those broadcasts, well, too late for them to say the least.
i understand fully the doctrine of exterminationism
i think it's logically sound
i'm just trying to reconcile what Dr. Pierce said with what i believe in the Church
We just focus on us
Then all Europeans
Dr. Pierce wasn't a prophet, he wasn't even Christian. But it's tough to know what must be done but also hear the Church's message of compassion
If we just cut the Negro off from food aid, their population would return to a sustainable level and theyd be better off in the long term, and no longer a threat to us
Their population has to fall at some point, it is unsustainable. Might as well just get it over with and worry about feeding our people
makes sense.
It isn't better to feed two foreigners and let your 1 kinsmen die. Scripture itself tells us in 1 Timothy 5:8 “But if any provide not for his own, and especially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.
Your job is your people, and to not take care of your people, you're literally denying God's explicit command
Yeah I mean, we became National Socialists because our race is being endlessly abused by our own rulers. When we have intergalactic nazism, then we can think about the rest. Maybe. The last thing the world will run out is bleeding heart liberals, and NS state has indefinitely higher concerns than niglets from Unicef ads.
So Matt question / comment...
“This was the reason why we National-Socialists could not consider raising the old flag as a symbolic expression of what we were working for. After all, we did not want to awaken the old-dead Empire, which was destroyed by its own faults. We wanted to build a new State.”-A.H
I can agree with you here mostly....
But the thing is... Hitler didn't try to Balkanize Germany / German Territories... He united them into a Reich... Our Ancestors fought and died for all this land... Why give ANY of it up?
Seems like a bit of a contridiction TBH... *shrug*
Yes we need all the non-whites out, we all know this, but why capitulate to them and give them what they don't deserve nor earned?
There is no appeasing these people, they will just want more...
And beyond that... how can we trust living so close to them / having them on our borders? The only reason they survive is parasiting off of us, being in such close proximity won't be good, they will just try to force their way back into our land after things go bad for themselves on their own...
Hope that isn't too much all at once...
Personally, America isnt a country, it is an empire
They didnt have multiculturalism in Germany, only scattered Germans
Third Reich wasn't made up 50% of mud tho, but was ethnically 100% homogeneous despite of being an empire spanning from Norway to Iraq.
Yeah, we're in a different boat, and personally, i dont feel like wasting millions of our lives to try to retake the Southwest
well we weren't 50% mud way back when either, the jews did that
Discounting subethnicities among whites but yeah.
You can think it like this, having a National Socialist state and a base of operations won't by any means at least hurt the reconquista of America. Maybe your greatgrandkids can re-colonize the mud people filled Eastern USA, just like your ancestors did.
well the only big problem I see, is the same problem we had with jews throughout history by expelling them instead of "dealing with them"... they will eventually come / be back... and the problem with the non-whites is they out number us and reproduce faster... I can't see allowing them to live on our borders working for very long, once they sink themselves far enough where their existence sucks, they will just try to flood us again
We need a staging ground regardless
We need to secure ground, defend it, and build from there
if we need growing space, we take it
true enough
But if we dont get a patch of dirt, its game over