Message from @VasilistheGreek
Discord ID: 394340079990210560
and none of them are quitting the force
I know, because i know GD leadership
Golden dawn wasnt actully arrested because of crime it was to deter their votes which ended up backfiring big time
they went from 6% to 8% becaues of the arrests
The problem i have with Cops are Cops who perseucte our guys
Why don't we have any GD guys in here? I feel like they could bantz the siegeposters into hiding
well yeah, i mean i like law and order obviously
language barrier mostly
Even if you asked like your normie Greek they thought the arrest was polticaly motivated even some big communist guy in Greece who i cant remember his name said golden dawn was innocent
Why should they? Some of my co-workers are assholes, I do a great job and am able to provide for my family, it's not realistic to me to expect me to quit when I can make more of a difference where I am. I obviously don't know the GD situation as you; I get that. Using that example in Athens to equate all police officers as terrible people and our enemy doesn't seem to transfer.
its deeper than being an asshole, a lot of cops are good people
but for a revolutionary struggle, we must secede in all ways from the occupying force
to serve the empire, must be viewed as treason
anything that helps the occupation forces, hurts us
even if its just efficiency of doing a good job at some clerical job
Does that mean fuck the park rangers too?
as we grow, yeah basically. And it isnt about the individual, its about a mindset
If the System is illegitimate, to serve it is wrong
I really wanted to be a park ranger at one point
i have em
lol, they were Xmas gifts last year for comrades
I got to get a new xrysh aygh shirt mine is to small
my favorite shirt, other than my TWP one, is a GD one that says "Ethnic defense force" and has a golden dawn guy with a bat with the greek flag wrapped around it
I'll be in the VC for a bit. I'm just watching dukes of Hazzard so feel free to drop in!
Any kind of government position? The fire department, EMS, etc.? I will agree that we have enemies in positions of power; especially Feds. I was at C-ville as well, I'd be a fool to deny it. Maybe I'm not red-pilled enough, but I'm not at the point where I'm going to wage war against my local County Sheriff's office; all white men who spend their time fighting drug crimes. I will concede that it may be naive of me to assume we can 'win' over the public as a traditional party would. this for you nibbas that want GD stuff but arent going to Greece anytime soon
Its not about war against them, its about unplugging
if we dont work for ZOG, it collapses
This argument is just a little goofy , if you dont like ZOGs attack dogs then you must hate all federal services
I hate my mailman , but my mailman isnt trained to put a bullet in my head
Why wage war against the county sheriff's office when you can go for the mailman instead?
Why attack your mailman when your dog already does a fine job at it?
Lol my dogs hungry
Dammit Major beat me too it
The concept of the general strike is how we can actually hurt ZOG. No dont hate your mailman or be a dick to him, but if we all pull out of supporting the institution, ZOG falls
ive been to that office many times, so yeah basically
Well, correct me if I'm wrong, but the argument is that the system/the government isn't legitimate and to work for an illegitimate system is unacceptable. In a vaccum; that would associate these positions.