Message from @Tony Hovater
Discord ID: 376194533916016640
Both abdicate personal responsibility
We let Jews fuck us over
Liberal whites did
This isn't about liberals and conservatives lmao
We need to look inwards instead of blaming things on external sources
You're right, kikes need to go, but same with white race traitors.
I'd say that the Republican party is even more jewy than the Democrat party
I agree
With what you said, kombat
Of course, goes without saying, day of the rope and all that? Kikes couldn't peddle their poison if there was no one buying it.
Fevs, something like 35 out of 36 Jewish congressman and senators are democrats
I'm not a republican, but Jews are overwhelmingly Democrat
Oh damn. You know you fucked up when you have Heimbach on your case.
I think Heimbach is still rolling on the floor from his response as well
How many republican think tanks and lobbyists are kikes? Too many to fit in an oven by my estimate
The official Heimbach response
As quoted in the War Room episode from last week. “Exterminationism toward the Jews is the only way to do it. Cause they will plant a seed anywhere, like in Antarctica if they have to. If we don’t get them all they will come back. Like they have to fucking go, every God damn one of them. The international Jew and the local Jew, I don’t care if he runs a fucking bagel shop, he’s got to go."
I agree
Lol, he's hurting for support these days; Shelbyville had more attendees than Amren ever has, hes doing outreach
He's just undervaluing the JQ, not directly denying it
If that's not your response to JQ you're not redpilled. You can pretend to be a revolutionary free thinker by sharing pie charts of sub saharan IQs.
They're not just in our media and senate, they control every aspect of your day to day life
From what your kids learn in school, to what chemicals you put in your body
And btw, on the "Jesus was a Jew" thing. "In ideological training I forbid every attack against Christ as a person, since such attacks or insults that Christ was a Jew are unworthy of us and certainly untrue historically."-Heinrich Himmler
Fully embracing the JQ does take time. And coming around to Exterminationism takes even more time
AmRen maxed out the capacity this year. I've been there the last 3 years, and actually I met you at one, Matt. Jared Taylor is an ally, everyone who supports white interests is an ally
@Hadrian Nah fam once you fully embrace the JQ you INSTANTLY become a passionate exterminationist
getting the popcorn
If you think Jews are White and not our enemy, that is not an ally
Jared avoids answering the jq because it's unpalatable to most people
He doesn't avoid it, he's come right out and said that Jews were white
It's not like Jared Taylor is secretly an esoteric hitlerist
Ethnically Jesus was a Jew.. He didn't act like the majority of Jews and the (((pharisees))) hated him for that.
Yeah, nah
If you think jews are us your understanding of our problems is fundamentally different from ours. Our problems go so much farther than blacks being stupid.