Message from @troglodytes
Discord ID: 648850876626239498
very artsy
@Deleted User yep
ive been away for a while
welcome back!
ive been busy as shit
on friday i met a chick at a metal show that had 3 deer heads in her trunk, and got to use one as a prop for some art before she started taxedermying them
did you nail her?
Naw, but it might happen some time the future
Some hippie friends of mine are moving, and i get a free hot tub out of helpimg them move
I wasnt really trying, i was more interested in making art
Ill post the end result in curiosities if you guys are interested, you know, because dead dear head and all
"A prop for some art" huh?
Why are you hooking up with chicks that do porn with decapitated deer heads?
The codex astartes does not support this action
hey! that looks like my camera
I'm not paying my hard-earned wagecucks buck for these pics
Sorry, I think being hypercritical is a side-effect from what I do at work
lol some works in post production
I'm fine with wimmin not being overly photoshopped?
i'll have what he's having 🙂