Message from @ayyycough

Discord ID: 653729181179576348

2019-12-09 22:38:48 UTC  

just doing little things like coui

2019-12-09 22:39:08 UTC  

discord is being fucking weird rn

2019-12-09 22:39:21 UTC  

anyone else having typing problems and shit?

2019-12-09 22:39:29 UTC  

Wait hold up the power just went out

2019-12-09 22:39:47 UTC  


2019-12-09 22:39:57 UTC  

its normal here

2019-12-09 22:40:29 UTC  

ok its back

2019-12-09 22:40:54 UTC  

I was taking a shower the other day and the power went off like three separate times

2019-12-09 22:40:59 UTC  

damn have to boot up everything now.

2019-12-09 22:41:37 UTC  

I once was out at an old military base with friends

2019-12-09 22:41:50 UTC  

there were these huge light towers

2019-12-09 22:42:06 UTC  

with a large circle of light underneath them.

2019-12-09 22:43:03 UTC  

So we were just shooting the shit and fucking around, so suddenly they all go out and we hear this running sound like a hundred boots running at us.

2019-12-09 22:43:21 UTC  

but its pitch black

2019-12-09 22:44:20 UTC  

so we start running toward my friends pickup and they're right on out heels

2019-12-09 22:44:41 UTC  

we could hear their heavy breathing from flat out running

2019-12-09 22:44:56 UTC  

that's harsh dude

2019-12-09 22:45:01 UTC  

I've never had anything that aggressive before

2019-12-09 22:45:26 UTC  

I've been in a lot of scary situations, but that raised the hairs on my neck

2019-12-09 22:46:01 UTC  

Now you're thinking what is behind you and your heart is hammering in your throat

2019-12-09 22:46:22 UTC  

but you dare not look back

2019-12-09 22:46:42 UTC  

I had a similar thing happen at my grandfather's farm

2019-12-09 22:47:11 UTC  

he had this stupid pumphouse that was out about 2 miles into the plantation

2019-12-09 22:47:21 UTC  

no lights at all

2019-12-09 22:47:40 UTC  

and each time he relished in sending us to go turn it off

2019-12-09 22:48:36 UTC  

I swear he got the neighbours to scare me while I ran back to the house, but the breathing of whatever was chasing me sounded canine

2019-12-09 22:49:23 UTC  

I want to say that there's a coyote but coyotes are usually skittish little things

2019-12-09 22:50:16 UTC  

Like you hear the corn leaves rustling and see them move just a littke

2019-12-09 22:51:13 UTC  

but you're running so you can't say which and every row on your sides that you pass seems open until you see a dark one and you just have to run even faster

2019-12-09 22:51:33 UTC  

coyote yips are pretty unmistakeable

2019-12-09 22:51:35 UTC  

I mean if it's actually chasing you then there's no way that's a coyote

2019-12-09 22:52:39 UTC  

corn field monocultures are unnatural in that the duplicity completely confuses your direction ability

2019-12-09 22:52:55 UTC  

You ever heard a mountain lion luring you?

2019-12-09 22:53:17 UTC  

no I've never encountered a cougar up here

2019-12-09 22:53:59 UTC  

iirc they don't show up in ohio that often

2019-12-09 22:54:06 UTC  

It sounds just like a little child, just before it sinks its jaw on the base of your back of your skull, and it has evolved to perfectly take us out by the head from behind.

2019-12-09 22:55:27 UTC  

They will actually play with you and lure you out until you're so scared you're shooting into the night randomly.

2019-12-09 22:56:20 UTC  

yep that's pretty terrifying

2019-12-09 22:57:15 UTC  

They love eating human children

2019-12-09 22:58:37 UTC  

their paws are strong enough to break your back with a single swipe.