Message from @Elefantener ✝
Discord ID: 638225744543219713
Gotta make sure this remains a meme section
Remember /pol/panels
Pepperidge farm remembers
@Elefantener ✝ that comic is kinda low res
It's old
saved as wrong format by someone
I miss RWDS Entertainment.
I archived all RWDSE
I wish he would come back
Seems accurate
They honestly didn't even say much about nick or jf
Nah, just some lighthearted stuff
But I love the payoff of that line about training Blitz to hunt spikes
"He's upset about the demographics of the country looking more like him"
that fucking line killed me
jesus is that JF edit actually in the episode?
its kinda fucking hilarious
@DarthSammich what does it mean to lay on the spikes?