Message from @Str3tch

Discord ID: 665397700375609354

2020-01-10 22:52:00 UTC  

I was shocked that the fucker cost as much as a real house

2020-01-10 22:52:05 UTC  

lol, yeh

2020-01-10 22:52:17 UTC  

Thats when i knew it was a scam

2020-01-10 22:52:24 UTC  

I see. I guess I wasn't considering all the outside influences.

2020-01-10 22:52:42 UTC  

that's why the memes you see are like "live in the box, eat the bugs"

2020-01-10 22:52:51 UTC  

Its like buying shit at the grocery store, the package is CALLED the same thing, but its smaller and costs the same amount

2020-01-10 22:52:54 UTC  

it's part of an over-arching agenda

2020-01-10 22:55:49 UTC  

there are people moving off grid, downsizing, building small cabins and all that jazz, trying to reduce costs, become sustainable, live off the land etc, and that's ok

2020-01-10 22:56:12 UTC  

like 'my self reliance' on youtube, but this guy is an empty nester

2020-01-10 22:57:48 UTC  

Live in a small box and get a vasectomy goy!

2020-01-10 22:57:54 UTC  


2020-01-10 23:00:55 UTC  

live in a box, eat bugs, don't work out (because weight lifting leads to fascism), u can be healthy at every size, be gay or trans, but if u insist on being hetero - get married and get a vasectomy so your wife will buy u "happy vasectomy day" presents and u can share pics of it for Reddit gold.......

2020-01-10 23:01:06 UTC  

all of this messaging is connected and goes in one direction

2020-01-10 23:04:45 UTC  

We goin' down down baby
No whites in the Land Rover

2020-01-11 03:10:05 UTC  

Question: What does collectivism mean to you guys? To me it basically goes hand in hand with communism. I think western culture while at times having nationalist tendencies has always been relatively individualistic compared to communist regimes or asian countries. I don't think collectivism is required to have an ethno state.

2020-01-11 03:10:33 UTC  

I don't see collectivism as a particularly western or white trait.

2020-01-11 03:29:25 UTC  

i think white people engage in high degree of voluntary collectivism

2020-01-11 03:30:33 UTC  

they score high in conscientiousness, relatively speaking

2020-01-11 03:30:59 UTC  

and i believe them to have what is considered "high-time preference" as a group. again relatively.....

2020-01-11 03:32:08 UTC  

they show concern for what curt doolittle would term "the commons"

2020-01-11 03:32:54 UTC  

so stuff like this makes them collectivist in a way, without needing coercion or force, or enslavement.

2020-01-11 03:33:04 UTC  

it may be a unique and dynamic characteristic.

2020-01-11 03:38:01 UTC  

Idk, to me it seems like, if the collectivism is voluntary then its compatible with individualism.

2020-01-11 03:38:48 UTC  

yeah, sure.

2020-01-11 03:41:09 UTC  

I mean I guess a lot of it is a matter of degrees.

2020-01-11 03:41:42 UTC  

Like, some people might take individualism to the point where you don't take care of your family or something.

2020-01-11 03:42:13 UTC  

Or on the other hand one might take collectivism to the other extreme and say your kids don't belong to you they belong to the collective and should be raised by the state like in some communist countries.

2020-01-11 03:54:16 UTC  

The answer is to compartmentalize private and public domains.

2020-01-11 03:54:59 UTC  

Man has individual level control in most areas. In matters that effect others, strict rules.

2020-01-12 10:18:02 UTC  

Yes it did, but not 'by a bunch of people' rather by Trump single handedly.

2020-01-12 10:20:16 UTC  

let me clarify a few things
gays, trannies and traps are a significant component of the dissident right wing
it doesn't matter if they are ironic or not
Just because someone is gay does not mean they are automatically anti nationalists
There are people like Ryan Faulk and Greg Johnson who have done a lot more for arguing for race realism than any of us
and both of them are gay as well
should we disavow them?
Notice you have to read a lot of things into Fuentes behavior before you can come to preconceived conclusions
selective editing only makes you look more non serious and just a counter signaler

2020-01-12 10:21:46 UTC  

Vaush is a liar and a self admitted propogandist whose purpose is to undermine and deligitamize any right wing views on YT

2020-01-12 10:22:19 UTC  

if you think that fat communist scum is being truthful and acting in good faith you are a retard and an imbecil

2020-01-12 10:24:28 UTC  

this "punching people closest to your positions but disagree with you on a few things" is absolute ass cancer

2020-01-12 10:24:48 UTC  

Godwinson is stupid or just dishonest

2020-01-12 10:30:47 UTC  

at the end of day you need to look at accomplishments

2020-01-12 10:30:58 UTC  

what has Nick accomplished?

2020-01-12 10:31:14 UTC  

he managed to get a ton of ppl exposed to our ideas

2020-01-12 10:32:16 UTC  

he grew his audience and that of many other ppl who share Nicks views (like JFG)