Message from @Hector
Discord ID: 634818833407803433
Send me body fluid and I'll do it for free 😏
what part of your family is from Italy relative wise?
I wonder if you can jizz in the 21andme tubes
it shows the haplogroup, but generally dna aligns somewhere around the haplogroup percentage due to how history tends to workout
You wouldn't get your mitochondrial dna that way
So no haplogroup
Stefan inched to the right so slowly we didn't notice him becoming literally Hitler
my guess is i am 40% italian roughly, 4-6% german, 4-6% spaniard, 50% britbong (mostly celtic) so I am around roughly 20% nordic and the rest is med thankfully
but ill get my dna tested soon, when i have the chance, cause im young and not gonna waste my savings on that shit lol
he also has better camera angles sometimes
turns out im 100% Albanian
Stefan is mutating
@Medman We are eternal enemies now
lmao polacks smort
i hear southern Germany has higher iq than northern germany
Tbh, why is Martin Sellner liking Spongebob and porn on twitter? Keep in mind, the later may just be due to language differences
makes sense going off the map
very convincing
I despise gypsies
lmao finns
love the colour choices
@Hector my maternal great great grandmother, maternal great great grandfather, maternal great great grandfather, uh idk too hard for my brain to think this <:impotentrage:552803856535257090> ill just say how italian each relative is
"adjusted for the Flynn effect"
ppl in western ireland are not very good looking
just saying
it is known
My grandmother is fully italian, my grandfather is half italian
Yea 3-4 points is like negligible if you're making that adjustment
the other half is german and spaniard
Irish men are among the ugliest men in Europe. Explains AL. 👀
@ALternativeToLife now this is the test that matters