Message from @Weaboo Kempeitai
Discord ID: 636258475382538250
it's shite to handle
To add that the current Ukrainian president is also Jewish lmao
should never have moved away from the FALs or whatever
yes HK 416 is possibly the greatest gun out there
@Tyburn Yeah but you also have to loop your hand around to rack the bolt with an AK. But in that case, it's "tactical", with the SA80, it's obnoxious.
gas piston along with ar base
@Weaboo Kempeitai dude just buy a gun
do y'all have recreational shooting ranges?
I would argue that AR Family of rifles is the best out there
@Nerthulas I think we do.
@Nerthulas yes
its called walmart
yeah there are some, more common than people think but not publicized
there's a range a mile from my house with an arsenal you can pick from for hours
do that
UK/England gun ratio is something like... I want to say maybe 18 per 1000 people
You can buy an AR or AK here, but it can't be chambered in any round stronger than 22lr, and even then, they're still extremely hard to get.
Handguns are a only allowed at recreational shooting ranges. Presumably they make you take a course and buy membership. And you can't take your gun off-range at any point.
Shotguns are easy to get, if you're a farmer it's easy to get a permit if you explain why you need it. And anyone can go clay pigeon shooting.
I'd be better off joining the military tbh.
But I mean
just move to the United States and be done with it tbh
but you do need an integrated safe to keep it anywhere nearby
I wanted to get a muzzleloader for ECW reenactment but there are so many barriers
That's not good for me, and I'd be too autistic to make it through training.
Weeb screw the military
it's very hard for non-illegals to move to US innit
become gay and antifa
Even one that can only take blanks?
and join the kurds
muzzleloaders come under shotgun license and law
Ukrops have crawled up from the sewers
Sounds gay asf