Message from @esotericpazuzuism
Discord ID: 638184207599796243
its alllll logic tricks
only someone trying to strawman evolution mentions darwin
its all linguistic
<:smugooze:398100987866251265> 2019 and not fighting the scienism machine
its like debating newtonian physics when we're in the quantum era
dyer embarrassed himself badly when he tried to debunk aquinas' five ways
its like you want to gangfucked by jewish trans
Fight jewish lawyers with their own weapons
he reveled that he's a fraud
This is a nice photo ☺
What if we had a European Union but it was the boys 😳
dyer is an extreme brainlet
yes, logic tricks are a bad appeal to rationality
he just spouts big words
don't be a logic cuck
I only lurk this discord.
especially when its very poor logic
Dyer isn't himself dumb, but imo his positions are dumb
@fuguer well I try and keep an open mind. I'm a contrarian by nature. I'm not saying the darwin devolves theory is right, but it made some good arguments
You should read and tell me what you think lol
@Smoke dig deeper, evolution makes alot of sense, I used to think that, but I read alot of scientific literature. The body is a whole list of trade-offs that build on a machine, what seems like something getting worse. has a bigger reason.
All the logical systems though obey the rule that they must reign supreme, is what I'm getting out
JF did an episode on Darwin Devolves iirc
he read like the first chapter and talked about it
That meta-logic is the evidence of God
and said it was so dumb he didn't have to do the rest because he pre-debunked it
Darwin was wrong about a lot of things but the fundemental principle of evolution by natural selection was correct.
@TheUserNameofPeace why is that meta-logic the evidence of god?
how does that even follow?
it doesn't
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