Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 640109793079722004
You can say that, but the founding stocks of these religions accepted them
@Trommm I don't need to tell you what is good, right? You can figure out if rape is good?
Hundreds or thousands of years
no way man the miracles really happened, a jewish writer told me so
Anglo television
Of accepting miracles as a sort of supernatural mandate
just rape, in and of itself of course
budda had blue eyes?
muhammad had red hair?
To gain critical mass for a religious movement
It's hard to fathom
Especially without miracles
good ass
Give me a country for total control
@troglodytes yes
and I'll give them all this system..
based emoji
people still watch tv?
such a desert
If you watch tv you are a filthy boomer
@Banjod I have a conscience, but it's not clear if that is something that has been bred into me by elites for thousands of years, or if it's something outside of myself.
kaiser is back!
the real kaiser was sending me friend requests
that's why that cat's emoji should be called : enocat :
he's planning something
bad conscience came about through the slaves, not the elites
@Trommm all we know if you have it, you know rape in and of itself isn't good. it's 99% of the time not the correct or good way to go about things
it's more than that though
as in, it doesn't produce good for the people there and then, and long term
You break through pragmatism with miracles
and then there is the hegelian master slave dialectic and all that jazz
its metaphysical aspect of the spirit and other similar things that different religions talk about
its real
In the long term, that's maybe it