Message from @Banjod

Discord ID: 640814992735600642

2019-11-04 07:27:07 UTC  

We don't even have records of organized religion until after the neolithic revolution

2019-11-04 07:27:18 UTC  

Other path is technological

2019-11-04 07:27:30 UTC  

So if some WN sympathizer wins the race to Fusion

2019-11-04 07:27:41 UTC  

And set up a hydraulic despotism

2019-11-04 07:27:47 UTC  

Or some other form of HD

2019-11-04 07:27:52 UTC  

there are about 80 million illiterates in the USA, and the winner of presidential elections gets around 60 million votes lately. there is no limit to how "ridiculous" seeming thinsg can get and still be perfectly useful

2019-11-04 07:28:08 UTC  

@Banjod the idea, that there is an abyss of bad human behavior - called the jewish people - and god sends his own son down to bring them - the worst! the light sounds absurd to you? besides all we know and see from these 'chosen' people?

2019-11-04 07:28:10 UTC  

useful doesn't mean they're true

2019-11-04 07:28:20 UTC  

useful is true

2019-11-04 07:28:27 UTC  


2019-11-04 07:28:35 UTC  

it's true that it's useful

2019-11-04 07:28:42 UTC  

but false things can be useful

2019-11-04 07:28:56 UTC  

Accept the bear as your God

2019-11-04 07:29:23 UTC  

it's absurd because it's not based in anything we can even remotely find to be true

2019-11-04 07:29:25 UTC  

as in

2019-11-04 07:29:34 UTC  

without the bible and that whole thing

2019-11-04 07:29:40 UTC  

to the extent your definition of true deviates from useful, you're being dumb

2019-11-04 07:29:42 UTC  

there is NO reason we would ever think that is what ahppened

2019-11-04 07:29:57 UTC  

we already gotr a clan to worship the bears

2019-11-04 07:30:00 UTC  

that god created things the way described, etc

2019-11-04 07:30:11 UTC  
2019-11-04 07:30:13 UTC  

it's called being honest

2019-11-04 07:30:38 UTC  

you're not gonna convince anyone useful = true

2019-11-04 07:30:45 UTC  

that's literally the dogshit jordan peterson said

2019-11-04 07:30:59 UTC  

who cares about honesty if it is counterproductive? only interesting when useful

2019-11-04 07:31:10 UTC  

you just said it was true

2019-11-04 07:31:24 UTC  

when u start believing your own lies it becomes a problem

2019-11-04 07:31:41 UTC  


2019-11-04 07:31:52 UTC  

like with the tikkun olam

2019-11-04 07:31:58 UTC  

when is honesty counterproductive?

2019-11-04 07:32:07 UTC  

they started believing their own bs and it became the worlds biggest problem

2019-11-04 07:32:11 UTC  

when you're gong to jail for no other reasson that the truth

2019-11-04 07:32:16 UTC  

and it bring nothing but you going to jail

2019-11-04 07:32:19 UTC  

that's a scenario

2019-11-04 07:32:32 UTC  

I am boomer

2019-11-04 07:32:38 UTC  

that I understand

2019-11-04 07:32:41 UTC  

But at least not coomer

2019-11-04 07:32:50 UTC  

questioning the holocaust in public in germany is probably counterproductive. we could go on. ....

2019-11-04 07:32:54 UTC  

but not for religion....