Message from @Epic Style

Discord ID: 643834127434383361

2019-11-12 15:19:11 UTC  

we can play that game

2019-11-12 15:19:36 UTC  

How about when St. John Chrysostom negated papal primacy?

2019-11-12 15:19:47 UTC

2019-11-12 15:19:51 UTC  

This page is gold

2019-11-12 15:20:26 UTC  

if gold was made out of copper

2019-11-12 15:20:27 UTC  


2019-11-12 15:21:09 UTC  

“The vitality of men’s belief in God,” Bahá’u’lláh has testified, “is dying out in every land; nothing short of His wholesome medicine can ever restore it. The corrosion of ungodliness is eating into the vitals of human society; what else but the Elixir of His potent Revelation can cleanse and revive it?” “The world is in travail,” He has further written, “and its agitation waxeth day by day. Its face is turned towards waywardness and unbelief. Such shall be its plight that to disclose it now would not be meet and seemly.”
This menace of secularism that has attacked Islám and is undermining its remaining institutions, that has invaded Persia, has penetrated into India, and raised its triumphant head in Turkey, has already manifested itself in both Europe and America, and is, in varying degrees, and under various forms and designations, challenging the basis of every established religion, and in particular the institutions and communities identified with the Faith of Jesus Christ. It would be no exaggeration to say that we are moving into a period which the future historian will regard as one of the most critical in the history of Christianity.

2019-11-12 15:21:17 UTC  

a choice selection

2019-11-12 15:23:14 UTC  

St Basil also wrote this, and he is a Catholic saint

2019-11-12 15:23:16 UTC  

But a further rumour has reached me that you are in Antioch, and are transacting the business in hand with the chief authorities. And, besides this, I have heard that the brethren who are of the party of Paulinus are entering on some discussion with your excellency on the subject of union with us; and by "us" I mean those who are supporters of the blessed man of God, Meletius. I hear, moreover, that the Paulinians are carrying about a letter of the Westerns assigning to them the episcopate of the Church in Antioch, but speaking under a false impression of Meletius, the admirable bishop of the true Church of God. I am not astonished at this ... But I shall never be able to persuade myself on these grounds to ignore Meletius, or to forget the Church which is under him, or to treat as small, and of little importance to the true religion, the questions which originated the division. I shall never consent to give in, merely because somebody is very much elated at receiving a letter from men.

2019-11-12 15:23:40 UTC  

but I'm naturally looking forward to the obligatory "but they're just Saints, they can make mistakes too"

2019-11-12 15:24:40 UTC  

Let us also not forget the fact that Catholics canonised Orthodox saints who vehemently rejected Catholicism. So there is literally no reason to be Catholic at all, and any claim by any Catholic that Orthodoxy is illegitimate is just bogus

2019-11-12 15:25:14 UTC  

I cannot argue against this

2019-11-12 15:25:30 UTC  

my faith stands in confirmation.

2019-11-12 15:25:46 UTC  

@Epic Style You orthodox?

2019-11-12 15:26:26 UTC  

Even if i wanted to turn orthodox hypothetically, i still must follow my patriarch which is in Rome even if he is wrong

2019-11-12 15:26:39 UTC

2019-11-12 15:26:53 UTC

2019-11-12 15:26:55 UTC  

If your letter is truth then the other patriarch was wrong

2019-11-12 15:26:57 UTC  

this kills the Catholic

2019-11-12 15:27:04 UTC  

Same shit with different color

2019-11-12 15:27:25 UTC  

@blanc the Patriarch of Rome is out of communion with the Orthodox patriarchates lmao

2019-11-12 15:27:42 UTC  

for the past 1000 years it has been so

2019-11-12 15:27:50 UTC  

nice try with the gotcha but no

2019-11-12 15:27:55 UTC  

Yeah one day they will be reunited i hope

2019-11-12 15:27:57 UTC  

@Panikooooos <:Yes:639977935209627658>

2019-11-12 15:28:06 UTC  

And i will follow whatever you follow

2019-11-12 15:28:16 UTC  

the only way they will be reunited is if Catholics repent and convert

2019-11-12 15:28:34 UTC  

Where is the Western orthodox patriarch anyway?

2019-11-12 15:28:34 UTC  

Because Orthodoxy will never bend its knee to anyone but God

2019-11-12 15:28:50 UTC  

I need not attempt in this connection an exposition of the origin and character of those economic theories and political philosophies of the post-war period, that have directly and indirectly exerted, and are still exerting, their pernicious influence on the institutions and beliefs connected with one of the most widely-spread and best organized religious systems of the world. It is with their influence rather than with their origin that I am chiefly concerned. The excessive growth of industrialism and its attendant evils—as the aforementioned quotation bears witness—the aggressive policies initiated and the persistent efforts exerted by the inspirers and organizers of the Communist movement; the intensification of a militant nationalism, associated in certain countries with a systematized work of defamation against all forms of ecclesiastical influence, have no doubt contributed to the de-Christianization of the masses, and been responsible for a notable decline in the authority, the prestige and power of the Church. “The whole conception of God,” the persecutors of the Christian Religion have insistently proclaimed, “is a conception derived from the ancient oriental despotisms. It is a conception quite unworthy of free men.” “Religion,” one of their leaders has asserted, “is an opiate of the people.” “Religion,” declares the text of their official publications, “is a brutalization of the people. Education must be so directed as to efface from the people’s minds this humiliation and this idiocy.”

2019-11-12 15:28:58 UTC  

well the ROCOR, the AOC, et al, all follow the Moscow Patriarchate

2019-11-12 15:29:05 UTC  

why not read the words common to this day

2019-11-12 15:29:18 UTC  

from he you have awaited

2019-11-12 15:29:56 UTC  

you don't have to be Russian to follow the Russian patriarch

2019-11-12 15:30:10 UTC  

If you're American you can still abide by their rules

2019-11-12 15:30:31 UTC  

and evidently, as Catholics have made it out canonically, you do not have to be Catholic to be a saint.

2019-11-12 15:30:41 UTC  

so there is no reason to be a Catholic in the first place

2019-11-12 15:30:52 UTC  

you can literally reject the Pope, and be sainted

2019-11-12 15:30:55 UTC  

Arent there western saints among the orthodox too?