Message from @Wan6Saber

Discord ID: 644633611303387177

2019-11-14 20:21:40 UTC  

It's concerning if you don't want kids.

2019-11-14 20:21:48 UTC  

the superior anglo armor, superior to all other armors

2019-11-14 20:21:51 UTC  

If my wife recommended I get a vasectomy I would beat her

2019-11-14 20:21:51 UTC  

Because they're shit in the short-term?

2019-11-14 20:21:57 UTC  


2019-11-14 20:22:05 UTC  

Anglos are the superior race

2019-11-14 20:22:08 UTC  

well, to be fair, we have had 3 kids, and going to have another

2019-11-14 20:22:21 UTC  

They booed out charlie kirk

2019-11-14 20:22:25 UTC  

I said, if you don't want more then you can sterlize yoruself

2019-11-14 20:22:26 UTC  

wtf am I watching

2019-11-14 20:22:28 UTC  

Ok boomrt

2019-11-14 20:22:43 UTC  

yh its crazy

2019-11-14 20:22:45 UTC  

"I'm gonna continue working my shitty office job and spending my meager earnings on entertainment until I die"

Could you even imagine sombody believing or saying this a while ago?

2019-11-14 20:23:26 UTC  

Luis De Camoes, portuguese man of visigothic decent

2019-11-14 20:23:31 UTC  

A very great man

2019-11-14 20:23:33 UTC  

women these days, you can never trust them, if my wife left me to be a free independent woman, i woudl find another and have more kids

2019-11-14 20:23:41 UTC  

He had blue eyes and blonde hair

2019-11-14 20:23:46 UTC  

And was very intelligent

2019-11-14 20:23:48 UTC  

Hold on

2019-11-14 20:23:49 UTC  

what a dumb cuck

2019-11-14 20:23:53 UTC  
2019-11-14 20:24:03 UTC  

Who are statistically more likely to cheat?

2019-11-14 20:24:08 UTC  

his wife sleeps with superior anglo knights

2019-11-14 20:24:14 UTC  

its perfectly respectable

2019-11-14 20:24:34 UTC  

Anglos are pretty cringe tbh

2019-11-14 20:24:36 UTC  

how far is the overlap between germanic and nordic

2019-11-14 20:24:42 UTC  

leaf you are anglo

2019-11-14 20:24:52 UTC  

that leaf is a anglo leaf

2019-11-14 20:25:12 UTC  


2019-11-14 20:25:19 UTC  

for all our /catholicgang/

2019-11-14 20:25:19 UTC  


2019-11-14 20:25:24 UTC  

based pagans in the vatican

2019-11-14 20:25:25 UTC  

The Sedes are right

2019-11-14 20:25:38 UTC  

Any catholic should go full Sede

2019-11-14 20:25:44 UTC  

Imagine being endowed with literally the most superior qualities, the greatest of legacies and the most powerful position in the geopolitical realm in not only your age but in comparison to all times. Then imagine trading that for fast foods, shitty clothes, shitty TV and brown people worship

2019-11-14 20:25:57 UTC  

”His mastery of verse has been compared to that of Shakespeare, Vondel, Homer, Virgil and Dante. He wrote a considerable amount of lyrical poetry and drama but is best remembered for his epic work Os Lusíadas (The Lusiads). His collection of poetry The Parnasum of Luís de Camões was lost in his lifetime. The influence of his masterpiece Os Lusíadas is so profound that Portuguese is sometimes called the "language of Camões".”

2019-11-14 20:25:57 UTC  

and bizarre fixations on ideology and philosophy

2019-11-14 20:25:59 UTC  


2019-11-14 20:26:03 UTC  

Anglos for you