Message from @happysmiley

Discord ID: 644635354648936488

2019-11-14 20:25:44 UTC  

Imagine being endowed with literally the most superior qualities, the greatest of legacies and the most powerful position in the geopolitical realm in not only your age but in comparison to all times. Then imagine trading that for fast foods, shitty clothes, shitty TV and brown people worship

2019-11-14 20:25:57 UTC  

”His mastery of verse has been compared to that of Shakespeare, Vondel, Homer, Virgil and Dante. He wrote a considerable amount of lyrical poetry and drama but is best remembered for his epic work Os Lusíadas (The Lusiads). His collection of poetry The Parnasum of Luís de Camões was lost in his lifetime. The influence of his masterpiece Os Lusíadas is so profound that Portuguese is sometimes called the "language of Camões".”

2019-11-14 20:25:57 UTC  

and bizarre fixations on ideology and philosophy

2019-11-14 20:25:59 UTC  


2019-11-14 20:26:03 UTC  

Anglos for you

2019-11-14 20:26:12 UTC  


2019-11-14 20:26:27 UTC  


2019-11-14 20:27:00 UTC  

The French used to admire the English for their agrarianism, for the meritocratic nature of our aristocracy, for the obsession with sport and physical activity and the dedication to racial nationalism and militancy

2019-11-14 20:27:02 UTC  

the virgin Leaf vs. the Chad Brown-worshiping Anglo-Nordic

2019-11-14 20:27:21 UTC  

There is nothing to admire there anymore though

2019-11-14 20:27:43 UTC  

It's all just cope

2019-11-14 20:28:06 UTC  

med worship is brown worship

2019-11-14 20:28:30 UTC  

A bunch of old, fat people and their confused, disenchanted kids idealizing their considerably superior predecessors and making comparisons where none exist

2019-11-14 20:28:38 UTC  

I will be an Anglo supremacist again when Anglos are superior again

2019-11-14 20:29:02 UTC  

Unless they just fucking kill themselves and try to bring me down with them

2019-11-14 20:29:02 UTC  

I like this Leaf arc

2019-11-14 20:29:32 UTC  

just people living in the moment summoning catfish from the demon mud portal

2019-11-14 20:30:35 UTC  


2019-11-14 20:30:38 UTC  


2019-11-14 20:30:45 UTC  

bet they put the fish in before

2019-11-14 20:30:46 UTC  


2019-11-14 20:30:57 UTC  


2019-11-14 20:31:25 UTC  

basically you make a tunel into the lake with the catfish, put in the mentos cause they dont do anything on their own

2019-11-14 20:31:33 UTC  

put in the egg, fishes love eggs

2019-11-14 20:31:50 UTC  

egg + mentos + coke = catfish, didn't they teach u this in school

2019-11-14 20:31:53 UTC  

then you put in the coke to make it so the fish cant breathe

2019-11-14 20:32:08 UTC  

so they rush out of the tunel to get air

2019-11-14 20:32:22 UTC  

guys another skool shooting happened we should ban guns

2019-11-14 20:32:27 UTC  

(cause coke+menthos removes the oxigen)

2019-11-14 20:32:47 UTC  

a happening?

2019-11-14 20:32:49 UTC  

the chemical reaction scared the cat fish out from its hole

2019-11-14 20:33:04 UTC  


2019-11-14 20:33:26 UTC  

catfish just prefer 🇧 epsi

2019-11-14 20:33:33 UTC  

so he left <:smugooze:398100987866251265>

2019-11-14 20:33:40 UTC

2019-11-14 20:34:41 UTC  

Grandparrent sorrow

2019-11-14 20:35:02 UTC  

yes, but at least she got back at them

2019-11-14 20:35:06 UTC  

fking everyone lives

2019-11-14 20:35:10 UTC  

is weihan still around
or was the shoah permanent

2019-11-14 20:35:18 UTC  

for pettiness