Message from @Pine Gang 🌲

Discord ID: 648317432523653132

2019-11-25 00:18:41 UTC  

I wonder what CIA ops are going on there

2019-11-25 00:18:43 UTC  

@Pine Gang 🌲 Can't blame them

2019-11-25 00:18:57 UTC  

Americans keep getting drunk, killing/raping Japanese women.

2019-11-25 00:19:11 UTC  

That not unique to Americans

2019-11-25 00:19:23 UTC  

you get 500k people in a country

2019-11-25 00:19:26 UTC  

Would Russia get involved in the Sino-American war?

2019-11-25 00:19:27 UTC  

there are bound to be bad seeds

2019-11-25 00:19:48 UTC  


2019-11-25 00:19:57 UTC  

I don't think that's going to happen

2019-11-25 00:20:05 UTC  

I know there was a moment when Yukio Mishima called for the Japanese military to go against the US stationed troops , and got booed by them after which he commited seppuku

2019-11-25 00:20:07 UTC  

unless something unexpected happens

2019-11-25 00:20:13 UTC  

I think China would ally with Iran.

2019-11-25 00:20:27 UTC  

Axis of Resistance

2019-11-25 00:20:58 UTC  

To attack America from the East, and invade Israel.

2019-11-25 00:21:13 UTC  

Most of japan sees anime as degenerate, too

2019-11-25 00:21:16 UTC  

No, I mean, attack American occupied territories.

2019-11-25 00:21:37 UTC  

Don't America have bases East of Iran too?

2019-11-25 00:21:54 UTC  

east south west

2019-11-25 00:21:57 UTC  

Tbh I'm having too much fun imagining this scenario. It sounds fun.

2019-11-25 00:22:03 UTC  

Obviously it wouldn't be

2019-11-25 00:22:08 UTC  

It's make a cool movie

2019-11-25 00:22:09 UTC  


2019-11-25 00:22:14 UTC  

Anime is sorta a modernity zoomer thing. The old generations don’t watch, and only a few of this generation watches anime.

2019-11-25 00:22:15 UTC

2019-11-25 00:22:29 UTC  

War is always appealing to those who don't have to fight them.

2019-11-25 00:22:41 UTC  

The only anime that I watched was Cowboy Bebop

2019-11-25 00:22:41 UTC

2019-11-25 00:22:52 UTC  

That anime was cool

2019-11-25 00:23:01 UTC  

But I couldn't get into anything else

2019-11-25 00:23:05 UTC  

Well anime is still childish among the normies

2019-11-25 00:23:12 UTC  

Jap normies

2019-11-25 00:23:38 UTC  

basically though, you hit the nail on the head. The US has a strategy to ensure there are no attacks on US soil

2019-11-25 00:23:40 UTC  

"Oh no you really came to japan for anime? Creep"

2019-11-25 00:23:55 UTC  

they get attacked at foreign bases

2019-11-25 00:24:02 UTC  

Them gaijin and their dakimakura

2019-11-25 00:24:14 UTC  


2019-11-25 00:24:29 UTC

2019-11-25 00:24:36 UTC  


2019-11-25 00:24:54 UTC  

In japan it should be under the imperial flag tho