Message from @Odalist Refrain
Discord ID: 277992076493455360
So each state gets there own logo?
snek is a lolberg thing
You'd be surprised on the number of libs that convert to ancap
fuck my english
@Rothbard you need to get down and train at any martial arts/thai boxing/mma place
seriously when you train with serious people 3-4x a week you'll find normal people are so fucking slow it's unbeleievable
Pretty much @ATG , although snek probably
never seen a ancap convert to socialism tho
and by slow I just mean every strike is completely telegraphed and they don't move
who is ancap here?
i thought this was natsoc
i am
@Anticom LR Should have no more outline.
@Rothbard Apparently in buzzfeed there was an """"""""""alt-righter""""""" probably natsoc that converted to socialism/antifa tier
@Anticom LR Wouldn't it be better to just make one unifying symbol
@Odalist Refrain coolio
@ATG The snek + shield is the 1 unifying symbol
Which is why I'm trying to incorporate it some way in all of the insignias
@Cœur de Lion I already have been hitting gthe gym for two months since Trump won, was meaning to look into what you said
imo 'training/lifting' is a waste of time. I'd rather be next to a 170lb fighter than a 200lb lifter
Snek is fine, but seriously the veins make it look like trash
well not waste of time, but thai boxing is probably best
@Cœur de Lion Not for the purpose of fighting, it goes against degeneracy lol
I mean just one logo and if you had to do it by state just add the abbreviation afterward
combat sports are your friend, take Krav Maga and Boxing
Those're scales, dingus. >this cow's name is unironic
Better yet, MMA
They sure don't look like scales
Look like scales to me tbh
@Anticom LR that is a whale
@Rush There is a Thai place next to me so I will probably do it on off days
i thought they were veins until someone said they were scales
Anyone in MA, i can help out with BJJ Which one of you M A D M E N is krazy kris?