Message from @Str3tch
Discord ID: 653045698597748756
@Deleted User how fares it?
same ol' same ol'
we need a chess challanges chat
working and dading and probably wasting too much time here
Gave me an extension until Monday tho
I'm gonna get a big piece of bristle board and make a big diagram and such
@@Str3tch @Deleted User missed you guys 😤
yeah, glad you're back!
im playing against computer
and im white
thats one wierd structure
just takes i guess not sure
Can you guess what sort of Christmas I'm going to have this year?
have a white christmas
oh yeah
that too
christmas is antismetic
A very huwhite christmas
I'm dreaming of one at least
It's not very snowy here these last two days
Makes me sad
i'm dreaming of a white christmas. and also it'd be nice if it would snow
Love bing crosby as well
Love bing
Love christmas
Love snow