Message from @DarthSammich

Discord ID: 656685763701899296

2019-12-18 02:27:25 UTC

2019-12-18 02:27:38 UTC  

I want this

2019-12-18 02:29:47 UTC  

What are you reading?

2019-12-18 02:30:10 UTC  
2019-12-18 02:31:01 UTC  

Just know that Alexander Hamilton > Thomas Jefferson, and you will know all you need to know about America's founding fathers,

2019-12-18 02:31:04 UTC  

About how racist and misogynist they were?

2019-12-18 02:32:27 UTC  

Jefferson liberalism is gay. Alexander is <:yay:638817157840502815> .

2019-12-18 02:33:35 UTC  


2019-12-18 02:33:37 UTC  

Cliffs Notes: The founders were primarily land speculators. With all the "new" land they stood to make a fortune. After the French and Indian War the treaty Britain made with with France stipulated that no colonization would occur by the colonies west of the Appalachians.

2019-12-18 02:33:41 UTC  

Alexander Hamilton was a monarchist

2019-12-18 02:33:45 UTC  

I'm not joking btw

2019-12-18 02:33:49 UTC  

So they said "fuck that" and did it anyway

2019-12-18 02:33:59 UTC  

Also, Virginia is looking like its going to be a shitstorm

2019-12-18 02:34:03 UTC  

Causing the Revolution

2019-12-18 02:34:09 UTC  

if the boogaloo happens there and you have nothing to live for

2019-12-18 02:34:13 UTC  

Head over and fight

2019-12-18 02:34:25 UTC  

Yay, I know. I used to be on that Leviathan server with ya. Alexander also started conservative economic policies, like the tariff.

2019-12-18 02:34:39 UTC  

Capitalism is not right wing

2019-12-18 02:34:42 UTC  

You know what is?

2019-12-18 02:34:46 UTC  


2019-12-18 02:34:46 UTC  

Dont let it get you down though, the Founders were painted as superheros, when they are really just men like the rest of us

2019-12-18 02:34:59 UTC  

Mercantilism is good.

2019-12-18 02:35:08 UTC  
2019-12-18 02:35:26 UTC  

Its happening. When you end bread and circusses, all hell breaks loose

2019-12-18 02:35:26 UTC  

Alexander would be horrified by our modern economics.

2019-12-18 02:36:03 UTC  

Yeah, except that Canada didnt have to abide by the same restrictions. It was also all Crown territory

2019-12-18 02:36:06 UTC  

I think the American founding was a mistake. America and France have been the homes of degeneracy.

2019-12-18 02:36:09 UTC  

the Colonies were independant corporations

2019-12-18 02:37:08 UTC  

@Rogal Dorn Not true. The mistake was not making Washington Emperor.

2019-12-18 02:37:36 UTC  

Well, it is not a matter of what could have been, but what happened.

2019-12-18 02:38:08 UTC  

France was the biggest home of degeneracy and the French revolution. America is like home of zog and democracy big daddy.

2019-12-18 02:38:33 UTC  

I am an enlightenment monarchist. I think it is factually the most sound.

2019-12-18 02:39:46 UTC  

If we learned anything about America, it is about the abuse of capitalism and democracy's weakness.

2019-12-18 02:40:09 UTC  

I would suggest reading "Democracy the God that Failed".

2019-12-18 02:40:27 UTC  


2019-12-18 02:40:58 UTC  

>Bitching about Schwartzwald Germans
>Using the guns they made to kill Hessians

2019-12-18 02:44:44 UTC

2019-12-18 02:44:50 UTC  

What did she mean by this

2019-12-18 02:45:12 UTC  

It means she wants a Mushroom and Swiss