Message from @Emperor of Atlantis

Discord ID: 671266171743371285

2020-01-27 08:05:56 UTC  

and at least when it comes to the Ukrainians

2020-01-27 08:06:01 UTC  

the specific kind of documents that would be useful to verify this would have to do with what was the proposed political and propaganda program the germans were instructed to use on the russians, their policy regarding russian defectors, and records and details of the events of towns they conquered and troops who surrendered to them

2020-01-27 08:06:13 UTC  

Hitler was arming dissidents in Eastern Ukraine since the 1930's

2020-01-27 08:06:32 UTC  

this wasn't even a thing where they would have to arm all of them, at least some of them were already armed

2020-01-27 08:06:38 UTC  

I know of some of those

2020-01-27 08:06:44 UTC  

but we don't have all of it

2020-01-27 08:07:04 UTC  

also policy changed as the war went on

2020-01-27 08:07:22 UTC  

maybe they finally adopted it but too late?

2020-01-27 08:07:26 UTC  

I can go over it tomorrow I guess

2020-01-27 08:07:37 UTC  

at the point donovan stops in the video, it seems like there's still a lot more to cover

2020-01-27 08:07:54 UTC  

but it sounds like they still were doing this aggressively, even as winter fell

2020-01-27 08:08:00 UTC  

I found a Lt General Gehlen, this guy sounds like a queer

2020-01-27 08:08:13 UTC  

is it because his name sounds like "gay"?

2020-01-27 08:08:35 UTC  

no, he was one of the conspirators that tried to blow up Hitler and was a Western asset after the war

2020-01-27 08:08:41 UTC  

I am assuming it is the same guy?

2020-01-27 08:09:10 UTC  

his service record is bad, seems to have just been in charge of intel and espionage

2020-01-27 08:09:24 UTC  

but it must have been really bad considering German intel got btfo during the war

2020-01-27 08:09:35 UTC  

I´m waiting too.

2020-01-27 08:10:35 UTC  

If this is something Hitler was actually doing, can you blame him for conspiring to blow him up? Assuming this isn't just a cover. If it's a legit position, something that he believes is true, I could see someone justifying that while not being a traitor to Germany.

2020-01-27 08:11:20 UTC  

I don't think that was his reasoning for trying to kill Hitler

2020-01-27 08:12:06 UTC  

the officers were autistic and generally they just disliked Nazism and claimed that the Nazis were responsible for losing the war

2020-01-27 08:12:35 UTC  

and were so stupid they thought if they killed Hitler that the Brits would make peace with them

2020-01-27 08:15:48 UTC  

Well, if you find documentation on whether or not this strategy was pursued, and any reflection on how accurate it was that lots of russians were receptive to this strategy, let me know. It might help if you watch the whole vid, so you know what specific claims are being made, and what is needed to be confirmed or refuted.

2020-01-27 08:20:31 UTC  


2020-01-27 08:22:27 UTC

2020-01-27 08:29:57 UTC  

the nazis were the worst humans in history

2020-01-27 08:30:08 UTC  

never, anyone, try fascism again

2020-01-27 08:38:24 UTC

2020-01-27 08:46:02 UTC  

"Oy vey, the nazis threw live babies into the ovens, at least we *kill them* first."

2020-01-27 09:09:51 UTC  

Lmao my classmate is minimising the threat of the coronavirus literally saying that it's not a problem until we find a way to treat it even though everyone with the virus is asymptomatic for 3-5 days and millions have left Wuhan.

2020-01-27 09:21:35 UTC  

Guys it's already infected us

2020-01-27 09:21:46 UTC  

This is how it spreads. It mind controls us.

2020-01-27 09:33:43 UTC  

This is the funniest shit ever

2020-01-27 09:34:01 UTC  

Jewess trained in social inclusion can't figure out why there are power outages in Zambia

2020-01-27 09:43:29 UTC  

Not really liking plague inc, too gamey. Anyone no similar games that just let me do whatever? Or games that are more accurate?