Message from @Justin Burger (Major-GA)
Discord ID: 374735704615419915
The wife was very polite and said she agreed with what we were doing
The husband seemed kind of scared
Drugs kinda scared?
Shit speaking of drugs we forgot to tip off the cops about that one room
The goy on the right if you still in here add me I'm the dude with the black sheild sorry to go off topic
I don't think drugs. I think by yourself asking a group of 20 something young dudes to quiet down lol
Yeah, thats me.
I'd be scared too
The cops got called for something, we were outside.
They harassed the shit out of us
They got called cause old buddy was beating his wife right?
They showed up later on for that
That guy was some random dude in the hotel
I dont even remember what time I went to bed
Last I remember was singing the snow fell with some dudes outside Timmys van and then going to bed
Antifa trap
Who the fuck brings that shit
>We didn't show up
word. never heard of that site
Still no pics of the human swazi
this is hillarious
"they're looking for the person who did this"
it clearly shows the nigger doing this
So where do you guys stand with the "muh optics" argument anyway?
The only optics that matter are the scopes on our rifles
(I'm not TWP, for the record)
well it's hard to have a discussion without purity spiraling
like do you think we are better off with trump as president than we would be with hillary?
Me either.
Lol depends on the angle. Accordin to siege, no. Accelerationism is the way to go. Extremists are not the same stock as the lemmings.
and if so, even though trump is not an avowed white nationalist, he is still a good thing. there's a delicate balance
I think Trump was actually better for accelerationism than Hilalry
though that may just be sour grapes
yea same
I am a Accelerationist.
because otherwise antifa would have been happy and just shut the fuck up
instead they're rioting and the optics on our side look much better