Message from @Sanji
Discord ID: 277147851115593748
anticom needs to be worldwide
But AntiFa won't see that, they believe that they are genuinely fighting fascists
I think some of you have seen the quotes from the AntiFa tranny I was talking to
AntiFa does everything people hate fascism for doing. Everything they do has multiple levels of irony to it.
I think what we also can create a channel for offtop
This channel is offtop
Lol ok
ScYx17 - Today at 1:03 AM
you're white
Rasenemus - Today at 1:06 AM
I'm Biafran, black
Why would you say I'm white?
ScYx17 - Today at 1:07 AM
no ur not
and on top of that
i dont have to be tolerant
towards people
with intolerant views
that's the entire point
Organising is done in region chat
Rasenemus - Today at 1:08 AM
Aren't you being intolerant by being intolerant to things you find intolerant?
ScYx17 - Today at 1:08 AM
no you can't be intolerant of intolerant people
just like u can't assault someone who is already assaulting you
it's defense
killing a nazi is prevention"
Those are the types of people you're dealing with
Mental gymnastics
As fuck
I could strangle the life out of that twig
Leftists are literally evil
Don't feel a pity to them
Show no mercy, you won't be given any
I'd be inclined to agree, Rhodesia, but the thing is, that's their ideology
They're will don't give a mercy to us
Remember guys, we're basically black Panther but not retarded
they know what they are doing
Stand around protests while armed and minding your own business
We are nazi for them
Well we're white so that goes without saying
When attacked do not retaliate unless your life is in danger
We really need to avoid killing them though
Ironically, "she's" white too
Only kill if its absolutly last resort to save someone's life.
Actually, she does have that (((nose)))
Of cource
They beat a man almost to death, at berkeley that should be a wake up call.
Trivia: She was a pro-League of Legends player
no mercy
I'm a halfie, but I believe the autistic white guilt shit needs to stop