Message from @Justin Burger (Major-GA)
Discord ID: 375082431176507393
blackpill though, she isn't racist and has mixed race grandchildren
OY VEY, how dare you impersonate my people
That fucking black face thing killed me 😂
I dressed up as a National Socialist for Halloween wen I took my kids out trick or treating I also had a tiki torch but I left it in the car...
Can you get away with shouting sieg heil in public if it's just a halloween costume
Or is that ***bad optics***
Damigo will cry himself to sleep, but thats about it.
All these optician faggots
@Justin Burger (Major-GA) Will he periscope it for our enjoyment
Not sure, but he will have a twitterfit.
lmao downloading this discography rn
Paddy is great.
Listened to this like 6 times along the way to cville
I've been hooked on Paddy since I first heard of him a few days ago
Nice try FBI!
that's my favorite, with the ballad of Charlottesville a close second
Pretty sure there won't be one for a while honestly
It's cold
Yeah, there wont be another one for the winter.
Until probably fall.
You mean spring?
Yeah, my mistake.
I'm 3/3 for charlottesvilles, if this recent infighting is going to fuck that record then I'm gonna be pissed
IE and Proud boys and a couple others will no longer rally with us.
That isn't a huge surprise
but they're shrinking and we're growing
I'm not totally not shit talking IE when I say this but: They're going to change their mind the first rally they get their asses kicked because NF isn't there to protect them
I wish them the best
I 100% respect their decision and I hope all goes well for them 😄
Yeah, all of those groups made NF take the fighting.
We are just muscle to them.
Much love to em. Wish em the best. We do our thing. Theyll do theirs