Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 577330174220042243

2019-05-13 03:01:35 UTC  


2019-05-13 03:01:38 UTC  


2019-05-13 03:02:04 UTC  

The fact that you call me a beaner doesn’t make what I said less valid

2019-05-13 03:02:08 UTC  

So basically you were a pagan, an infidel

2019-05-13 03:02:10 UTC  

lions based

2019-05-13 03:02:22 UTC  

Beaner is offensive. We use bean nigga around here

2019-05-13 03:02:22 UTC  

@MawLr dude stop getting upset

2019-05-13 03:02:26 UTC  

I once was lost but now I'm found.

2019-05-13 03:02:39 UTC  

And Remus is lost but not as lost as you were

2019-05-13 03:02:47 UTC  

I was raised Southern Baptist

2019-05-13 03:02:58 UTC  

He asked me, what I thought of prots. I was honest with him.

2019-05-13 03:02:59 UTC  

I was an atheist in my teen years

2019-05-13 03:03:05 UTC  

Your husband is an atheist too

2019-05-13 03:03:08 UTC  

He shouldn't have come into the chat and tried to convert niggers

2019-05-13 03:03:13 UTC  

So keep that all in perspective

2019-05-13 03:03:15 UTC  


2019-05-13 03:03:29 UTC  

HA! all you converts. not as cool as craddle catholics

2019-05-13 03:03:31 UTC  


2019-05-13 03:03:37 UTC  

He's not trying to convert anyone

2019-05-13 03:03:42 UTC  

He's trying to find answers

2019-05-13 03:03:59 UTC  

He goes to his church and questions them against Catholic principles. Like Matthew 16:18

2019-05-13 03:04:00 UTC  

**Matthew 16:18 - New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)**


<18> And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it. ```

2019-05-13 03:04:29 UTC  

And then he will present the Protestant argument against me and I debunk it

2019-05-13 03:04:29 UTC  

i mean

2019-05-13 03:04:33 UTC  

he kinda was

2019-05-13 03:04:39 UTC  

@Deleted User he did try to convert people he was being jewy a bout it

2019-05-13 03:04:45 UTC  

Show me

2019-05-13 03:04:49 UTC  


2019-05-13 03:04:57 UTC  

yeaj sure let me get my tape recorder

2019-05-13 03:05:06 UTC  


2019-05-13 03:05:07 UTC  

kinda hard to show when theres no physical record

2019-05-13 03:05:14 UTC  

since it was all over voice

2019-05-13 03:05:23 UTC  

unless you want us to give you an example

2019-05-13 03:05:31 UTC  

but then you take our word for it

2019-05-13 03:05:34 UTC  

or not

2019-05-13 03:05:36 UTC  

up to you

2019-05-13 03:05:59 UTC  

Tell me what he said then

2019-05-13 03:06:09 UTC  

i mean debating is technically a convert tactic it wasnt like genuine neutral question

2019-05-13 03:07:04 UTC  

Like debating on the argument of transbutation or w.e. its spelled

2019-05-13 03:07:05 UTC  

@LuxCo nigga I was just saying that compromising someone’s conversion is not good either

2019-05-13 03:07:21 UTC  

Something about true Christian's worship this way yada yada only we worship right yada yada