Message from @NotSoBot

Discord ID: 575112136968241155

2019-05-04 18:26:42 UTC  

>>212099190 Vaders face is priceless

2019-05-04 18:26:52 UTC  

What the hell

2019-05-04 22:26:11 UTC  

.chan his

2019-05-04 22:26:11 UTC  

>>6563562 He’s not wrong, he’s basically echoing Lincoln

2019-05-04 22:26:17 UTC  

.chan his

2019-05-04 22:26:18 UTC  

>>6562638 It’s ok fren we can help

2019-05-04 22:26:24 UTC  

.chan his

2019-05-04 22:26:27 UTC  

>>6563877 >>6562645 memory correlates strongly with general intelligence (g). All subjects are g-loaded. Liberal arts stuff not so much as math and shit, but a person with a ~90 IQ is really not going to be able to understand history (motivations, politics, strategy, societal relations, etc.) very well.

2019-05-04 22:26:34 UTC  

.chan his

2019-05-04 22:26:38 UTC  

>>6563834 This, but unironically

2019-05-04 22:50:51 UTC  

.chan pol

2019-05-04 22:50:54 UTC  

>>212123035 Grow a set you cucked leaf

2019-05-06 21:08:08 UTC  

.chan s

2019-05-06 21:08:09 UTC  

>>18852196 Nudes on her

2019-05-06 23:44:52 UTC  

.chan x

2019-05-06 23:44:53 UTC  

>believing any religion that has a reward/punishment system Kek, oldest trick in the book fags. Check out all these religions except for a few they all are based on punishment/reward. That's how they suck you in. >believe and have everlasting life or burn forever in hell >believe and have bliss or reincarnate into a fucking tree or mouse or some shit. >believe and get virgins or go to jahannam kek kek kek. Can't you see that this is litterly made to please human psychology? People want to believe they'll be rewarded if they do something good. People want to believe their wrongdoers get some type of punishment and that justice get served. As if that actually happens.

2019-05-06 23:45:37 UTC  

Wtf I'm an esoteric nihilist now!

2019-05-07 00:10:02 UTC  


2019-05-07 00:10:09 UTC  

Imagine unironically thinking this

2019-05-07 00:10:17 UTC  

.chan b

2019-05-07 00:10:18 UTC  

>>799105499 im just bored why r u so mad? and im trying lol

2019-05-07 02:03:31 UTC  

.chan s

2019-05-07 02:03:31 UTC  

>>18850877 Who is she? She makes me fucking hard, don't know why.

2019-05-07 02:10:28 UTC  

.chan pol

2019-05-07 02:10:29 UTC  

>>212338580 good one.

2019-05-07 02:10:34 UTC  

.chan pol

2019-05-07 02:10:36 UTC  

>>212338997 He's not. He's just another shill trying to shit up this thread.

2019-05-07 02:11:04 UTC  

.chan pol

2019-05-07 02:11:04 UTC  

Remember Zoe Hastings

2019-05-07 02:11:10 UTC  

.chan pol

2019-05-07 02:11:10 UTC  

>>212339328 I posted the link to states ballot laws, showing that states already do these sorts of requirements. But good job proving me wrong faggot.

2019-05-07 02:11:15 UTC  

.chan pol

2019-05-07 02:11:15 UTC  

when will the flood of niggers across our border end?

2019-05-07 02:11:20 UTC  

.chan pol

2019-05-07 02:11:21 UTC  

>>212317491 Or we ban the testimony of women from courtrooms and kill all men who object to stripping women of rights.

2019-05-07 02:12:24 UTC  

.chan gif

2019-05-07 02:12:25 UTC  

>>14928285 Please keep the whales to yourself

2019-05-07 02:12:31 UTC  

.chan pol

2019-05-07 02:12:31 UTC  

The new Roman empire will be German speaking.

2019-05-07 02:12:37 UTC  


2019-05-07 02:12:42 UTC  

Imagine unironically thinking this