Message from @Daniil
Discord ID: 452664950557638676
So what is this place supposed to be?
That e=mc^2 joke is perfect.
I prepose we call the state of Israel "Talmudistan"
We only have on Israel, and that's the Church
How do you do fellow scumbags
Hold on to your hats folks and gear up for a full month of outright degeneracy
My sister already drew a bisexual flag inside a heart on her hand.
One of her best friends is an Israeli.
Aint that just the cutest shit ever
They should visit Tel Aviv, the gay capital of the world
I have a Muslim classmate who made a face of disgust when he found out Brighton was the gay capital of the UK
Considering it was a school trip to Brighton it was even funnier
aw yiss i made the cut into the filth pit
>bulldyke first aid teacher defending shitbulls
"its not the breed its the owner"
Keep your eyes clean, kiddos.
Indonesian gays btfo