Message from @
Discord ID: 483410546524160000
Yeah Chinese have some weird SS fetish
To be fair, SS had great uniforms tailored by a designer brand
Her posture never changes...
Damn, this those low effort tldr 30 year old boomer comics again
I'm still not quite sure what that comic is supposed to be.
Is it 4 phases of the same woman? 4 different women? What's the guy supposed to be?
4 phases of the same woman
Ik a girl irl who looks just like the girl pictured
She has a sternum piercing and tattoos
She dresses emo af
Dyes her hair
to the bin
how the fuck do you pierce your sternum
don't tell me I don't want to know, but hwtf
Your nose sternum
@The Battered Soldat i dun goofd
I meant septum lol
I hate those
I say we throw them in bullfighting rings if they want to look like bulls so much
Yeah having a septum ring makes you look like an ooga booga
it's a colossal eye sore
So I had some evangelicals tell me racism is a sin
Is it really? Should I stop hating poos or am I justified
Never cared much about blacks because I've never had issues with them but overall I don't see them as a useful people
Ummm are y'all aware of this
What is a trad thot and where can I get one
What for?
It's my only option
I think
If you think it's your only option, it's probably not.
You don't want a trad thot
Trad thots are the only option in my area as well
In any case, don't choose women based on political views; trad thots pass themselves off as based right wingers but are really just typical millennial thots
Choose women based on faith and cultural compatibility
Ultimately politics is the realm of man, whatever the man's views are a woman will follow. Which is why soyboys are dangerous.