Message from @Byzas
Discord ID: 487005007208775704
Sorry, but my dad gets really upset when people say Revelations, because his scripture professor in seminary got really upset. There was only one Revelation.
Ik a baptist who said what you just said
About the saints
See guys like that I can respect, but outright accusing the majority of Christians of paganism is just wrong
We have enemies everywhere and you choose to pick fights with fellow Christians?
Well, some Protestants don't even call us Christian...
There are literally heretics claiming to be Christian then denying the Trinity and you choose to pick a fight with a church with 1 billion followers...ok
Well, no, not okay, but I see your point.
Yeah my mother is unfortunately one of those Prots
My parents have never been religious.
I'd always been drawn to metaphysical ideals since I was young; didn't really manifest until this year, though.
Manifested with me all over my teens, but didnt properly bite till college
My first time attending mass was actually a knee-jerk decision.
I'd caught glimpse of one of those "everyday we stray further from God" sort of headlines. Can't even remember what it was, but I read it and thought "That does it, going to Mass."
I was always firmly Christian but I didn't start getting devout until about the same time I realized Protestantism was falsehood
I became devout after some spiritual experiences proving either clarayonce or angels
Matthew 24:46 helped
There's a whole nest of them near my house
Any man who goes to Southeast Asia goes to fucc
Usually ladyboys or kids
Also drug trafficking
I was a cringey atheist in high school
Became Prot afterward, around the same time I chose to join the reserves
Became super religious in boot camp, then went full on *sola fide* afterwards and stopped going to church.
I come from a Prot family, like hardcore Pentecostal too
SE Asia is a weird place
It has that lacking of sanctity for human life.
But instead of it being taken on a whim say, like in Honduras or Brazil, it's an element that's bought and sold.
A friend of mine also travels frequently in Thailand.
I'm... unsure how to feel about this conversation now.
ask him
"are you a pede or just a gay fag ?"
I think the concept of sanctity of life is practically absent outside the West
Societies like Japan value patriarchy and family a lot but at the same time individuals are seen as expendables
One good thing is emphasized but another good thing is lacking