Message from @Skeez
Discord ID: 559207276246990848
I'm not a fan of the US govt
me neither
even though it wasnt so bad before XX century
America has beautiful land that is being turnes into walmarts littered with obese welfare recipients, meth heads, and <:ni:549522280481423371>
>celebration of Columbus day
What is the sjw end-goal
I can think of nothing but a pure dystopia
Some sneaky OC:
Show me how Israel treats divers-oh yeah
What is Ethiopian Jews
What is non Jews
What is Arabs
4% of 365mil is almost nil
that's like 1,5mil
2/5 is 40%
B r a i n l e t
give this man a blue checkmark
I think only 4% of that persons brain is working
Anti-Yang Gang memes
get a damn job
>Dominee of the church that my high school attends. I knew him IRL
>Hold vigil for the murdered in New Zealand, which would have been ok in itself
>Calls Muslims children of God (implying the Nicene creed is void)
>Basically contradicts his Calvinist faith that he is supposed to preach, by denying predestination and even calling it poisonous and complicit
>Says religious pluralism in his church is wonderful
>Your mind on dhimmitude…
Feel free to comment "dhimmi" or "ketter" on OP.
@Edrodian881 is that Afrikaans?
did holobunga happen
*I would walk five hundred miles...*