Message from @Helter Seltzer ☧
Discord ID: 561058907028455426
True tbh
Squidward is love
Squidward is life
<@194197121933639680> is a homosexual
real or meme
Daniil is a homosexual
<skeezo has been gassed>
Owie ouch ouch oof
(User was banned for this post)
Daniil you're a poophead
everyone vote thereallegacy
I don't know, gay sex sounds pretty gay to me....
what in the fuck
>jesters making political statements
My sister left my home state to go to a job at a cell phone company. Tried finding local church. Went there and mingled. Wanted a husband/boyfriend her whole life. Finds some Dyke tranny in the church wanting to become a man do they could be "straight". My sister does the mental gymnastics and became married to this it. It has a beard now with the most unnatural male features on a woman body and disfigured itself.
Sister doesn't even go to church anymore. She definetly knows the sin she did and is to ashamed to repent because it'd be to "troubling" for her.
The reason why I think she married it too was because she's always been fat (not trying to be mean to my sister) and that's all she could get and wanted desperately marriage benefits from the government.
Like, I love my sister but that shit's crazy imo
How long ago was that?
@Mozalbete ⳩ 3 or 4 years ago
Sorry if this was the wrong place to say it, it just pisses me off still. My aunt disowned her
Wtf I'm a kemetist now? Praise be to Osaris
Everyone's a jew
A classic