Message from @vhozonian

Discord ID: 672617420778766337

2020-01-30 22:13:53 UTC  

U rite

2020-01-30 22:14:06 UTC  

How is racism fedposting

2020-01-30 22:14:22 UTC  

Cause I said so

2020-01-30 22:15:07 UTC  

That isn't an explanation

2020-01-30 22:15:31 UTC  


2020-01-30 22:30:00 UTC  

Cause its hate speech you sperg

2020-01-30 22:35:15 UTC  

@Astro 😘😘😘

2020-01-30 22:36:32 UTC

2020-01-30 22:37:01 UTC  

(Ig link is video evidence this cringe actually occured)

2020-01-30 22:37:55 UTC  

Jojo, go to your room

2020-01-30 22:38:15 UTC

2020-01-30 22:41:11 UTC  

Describing the image like if they were retarded. Bah, I guess they're aware of their audience.

2020-01-30 22:52:39 UTC

2020-01-30 22:59:37 UTC  

How antisemitic of them

2020-01-30 23:01:38 UTC  

Thanks, democracy

2020-01-30 23:02:18 UTC  

Literally the only reason they're not wiped off the map by brown hordes is cause they are so geographically isolated

2020-01-30 23:02:39 UTC  

I hope they didnt like russian econ aid too much

2020-01-30 23:35:39 UTC  

Honestly, this strip saddens me in ways I can barely put into words. This is a perfect example of how obsessively materialistic our society has become. Jon is so concerned about the whereabouts of the pipe, an easily replaceable, lifeless object, that he becomes aggressive toward Garfield, a living, breathing animal who has provided company and love to Jon for years in such a lonely and unforgiving world. In the blink of an eye, over the course of three simple panels, Jon has forgotten and forsaken all Garfield has given him over the course of their relationship over the use of a simple wooden pipe. Is this what our society is coming to? I don’t want to live in a world where the value and substance of human/animal relationship and domestic bonding can be simply thrown away for a prized object. In turn, will my friends come to reject me and scold me over such trite matters? Will love and brotherhood soon perish in the wake of technology and commercialism? It disgusts me to think that once I laughed at this strip, not knowing I was really laughing at the doom of humanity as we know it.

2020-01-31 01:13:16 UTC  

I value a NIGGER zygote because it is a human NIGGER life, lets get that clear. As much as I love NIGGER animals I value a human NIGGERS life over an animals due to multiple reasons. When you say not realized until the final stages of NIGGER pregnancy, what do you mean? It is unable to process NIGGERS pain at a current stage, sure, why is that relevant? At fertilization the whole "design" of that individual is set, coded. I mean that is pretty amazing, if anything that should prove my point. Then the NIGGER zygote develops all the way to NIGGER adulthood.
Week 3 NIGGER spinous and nervous system start developing
Week 5 NIGGERS arms and legs begin forming
Week 8 NIGGER face is fully formed
Week 10 the baby can hear NIGGERS
And so on, I mean we know that it's a gradual process, and we know it's a human life. You're saying we should have the choice to kill that life just because of its NIGGER stage of development. Also take into account why most of NIGGER abortions are done for, personal convenience and money, so I mean NIGGERS NIGGERS NIGGERS NIGGERS FUCK NIGGERS GODDAMNIT FUCKING NIGGERS NIGGERS NIGGER NIGGERS NIGGERS

2020-01-31 01:41:29 UTC

2020-01-31 03:01:10 UTC  

Uhh lush you good homie? @LushDeadlymau125

2020-01-31 03:06:01 UTC  


2020-01-31 03:06:04 UTC

2020-01-31 03:44:15 UTC  

@Mac tíre iarain yeah I’m ok

2020-01-31 05:40:02 UTC

2020-01-31 05:41:08 UTC  


2020-01-31 06:17:29 UTC  

trust nobody, not even yourself!

2020-01-31 06:17:58 UTC  

orthodog more like orthocat jajajajajajajajajajajajajajaja

2020-01-31 06:19:31 UTC  

Cat-lic, more like, no

2020-01-31 06:20:54 UTC  

Orthodox more like I’d rather worship Obama

2020-01-31 06:21:44 UTC  

I mean... Catholicism and Obama have about the same lib attitude...

2020-01-31 06:22:01 UTC  

Can you claim Apostolic Tradition?

2020-01-31 06:22:21 UTC  

yeah we can

2020-01-31 06:22:30 UTC  

Obama was one of the 13 Apostles

2020-01-31 06:22:39 UTC  

he has God’s phone number

2020-01-31 06:22:41 UTC  

Did he replace Judas?

2020-01-31 06:22:48 UTC  

no, he ate Judas

2020-01-31 06:24:02 UTC  

ah yes... it is in our gospels where it is stated:

"Obama broke up Judas into pieces and said, "Take this, for this is an N Word pass, which shall be brought out for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins".

2020-01-31 06:24:46 UTC  

Yes, and God gave him the title of “Real Nigga” to Obama