Message from @MawLr
Discord ID: 667267071930925066
~~low key the best place to take a lass if you forget her name and wait for the employee to ask her name to write on the cup.~~
i know her name
very well
should i tell her to meet while we're in the hs?
like you know inbetween classes
I mean hanging out is the best way to get to know someone.
yeah youre right
i might ask her tomorrow morning to meet during lunch break
Yeah just hang out, eat meals together properly get to know her.
Well i mean
Our breaks are about 10 mins each
And we have like 5
She gave you an alternative time after saying she wasn't available; she's deff interested in you.
Need advice...
So I've been snapping with this trad qt I met on a flight home from a Catholic conference. We've been snapping regularly, but I don't really know how to flirt. (Only downside of being Homeschooled 30 miles deep in the woods lol) Turns out, She regularly attends Latin mass down in Nashville, which is the closest one to me. (2hrs) I'm planning on going down this weekend, and can't decide if I should risk asking her out now, or if I should leave it lie for now...
If you're going anyways, invite her along, doesn't have to be a big thing. Casual trad mass and an afternoon brunch is about as wholesome a first date as you can get, really lays down a lot of groundwork right away without you needing to stumble through so much of it.
We are ortho
Both of us
Aaa sorry dindt read that
Are you proud of me yet @Based Chav
do it
literally nothing to lose
worry when she invites you and then says she's busy when you invite her
truly Шуми Марица
noisy girl but never does anything
>Trad QT
But instead of asking her out now, just ask if she's going to the Mass, then talk to her afterwards. Invite her out to breakfast/coffee. That rarely fails.
I didn’t notice that
But chav is right
@andrei4563 I'm not sure why you're asking me like I'm an absentee father.
Get married already
Oh so that’s what snapping means
God, that thing is disgusting
A girl kept being a nuisance asking me to create one and when I did I found it absolutely useless
Then again, I find social media in general to be useless
The eyes are the gates of the soul and instagram is basically a nuclear bomb due to the amount of degeneracy your soul will be introduced to
yeah... I’m talking alone again
Maybe I should write these reflections in a piece of paper instead
There's nothing inherently new about Instagram when compared with other social media