Message from @Mozalbete ⳩
Discord ID: 562389135684534292
You learn more ck2 from starting at the bottom and working your way to empire, rather than beginning as some one big. Starting as a viking chief, or a an english, irish or german duke at one of the earlier starting dates is a good idea to learn the game. Ireland isn't 'noob island' for nothing.
That much I know. I just dont grasp the whole intrigue and political stuff completely
Im used to playing EU4 where I just steamroll everyone
Lmao I actually play this every now and then
Anyone play HOI4? What would be some good beginner nations?
Communist china is a good one
You start small, so you're not overwhelmed, and if you team up with the USSR you have the potential to conquer all of china with relative ease.
Just don't let him fall to Germany, lol
This is definitely worth a quick Watch
b-but thats off-topic
Aren't discussions concerning Theology and spirituality the point of this server?
Just not this channel. Try the <#435520935647248414>
Wait, aren't you an Asian in game?
Literally like everyone is Asian in the game
Medeival Japan didn't have other races. They killed anyone who tried to change things
i havent[
Btw, can we have a general vidya voicechat? I know there is a minecraft one, but I think <#557928677711806479> could use one too.
Or just make it a <#435520935647248414> voice chat
Yes, a voicechat for the fun for everyone chat group
I'll get to it later
Pewdieeee 💜💜💜
hail pewd
Definitely blasphemy knowing the mindset of the developers
More sacrilege than blasphemy as blasphemy tends to be verbal.
I guess it is blasphemous, but then compared to what passes as ok these days, this is pretty tame.
It reminds me of the narco "art" the frijolitos in my town like.
Smash el patron worship
No that's definetly some official stuff
Thats advertised all over the playstation store
It's a Borderlands game: characterised by immature and inappropriate humour and geared towards edgy stoner-teens.
That said, I'll probably end up owning it when it's released on Steam.