Message from @Skeez
Discord ID: 563755701072298016
Pewdieeee 💜💜💜
hail pewd
Definitely blasphemy knowing the mindset of the developers
More sacrilege than blasphemy as blasphemy tends to be verbal.
I guess it is blasphemous, but then compared to what passes as ok these days, this is pretty tame.
It reminds me of the narco "art" the frijolitos in my town like.
Smash el patron worship
No that's definetly some official stuff
Thats advertised all over the playstation store
It's a Borderlands game: characterised by immature and inappropriate humour and geared towards edgy stoner-teens.
That said, I'll probably end up owning it when it's released on Steam.
I'm most likely going to get it as well, minus the sacred heart depiction the game looks cool and I like the new characters
I would only get it to play with my friends, but I share accounts with my friend so reguardless I'll have it. Games are so stupid nowadays I dont wanna play em tbh
I dont see many fun games to play I mean, being restricted to ps4 n such
try some paradox's strategies
like EU or HoI
He just said he was restricted to ps4 wut
But if you got a ps4, war thunder is available
God I wish real catholics were like that
ck2 has the best memes. I had a game where the Holy Roman Empress was a demon possessed lesbian with 40 martial score and almost 200 duel score.
Admittedly, it was me playing her, but in my defense I tried killing her in her childhood, but she killed all of her siblings, so she was my only remaining heir
So I used her to convert the HRE to orthodoxy since no one could match her military leadership
My current germany is a massive hindu juggernaught that the pope declared a crusade on
Mfw I go on a crusade and come back as secretly Orthodox and with a polish harem <:thinksmirk:564102152239185920>
My retarded homosexual grandson reclaimed Jerusalem after 3 generations of attempts
And it was only the first crusade
I converted venenice to orthodoxy and formed an empire after the crusade
Then a few revolts later I got bored.
Crushing revolts isnt hard when you have basically infinite cash, but its tedious to go over the same thing every time your ruler dies. At this point quashing a rebellion is part of the coronation, when it comes to my playthroughs
To what year do you play? Revolt become less of an issue in the mid-late game where you have better inheritance laws. Gavelkind is a bitch.
I like starting from the earliest start date possible
Nah, I was playing as benice. It has really easy inheritance laws. My problem was vassals.
Vassals are dicks
anyone up for some euiv?