Message from @MawLr

Discord ID: 665034559410405437

2020-01-10 03:26:06 UTC  

either way, i'm no expert on the subject but one shouldn't really concern himself with theoretical scientists

2020-01-10 03:26:16 UTC  

smug cunts

2020-01-10 03:26:43 UTC  

This is all too far away and too low res to comment on

2020-01-10 03:26:58 UTC  

you can say theoretical physicists are just writing a secular Talmud

2020-01-10 03:27:00 UTC  

Its like those articles about finding planets around other stars!

2020-01-10 03:27:10 UTC  


2020-01-10 03:27:16 UTC  

All we really know. Is that there is something massive as fuck at the center of our galaxy, that we can't see.

2020-01-10 03:27:21 UTC  

And whats the evidence?
Well, the star kinda blinks at regularish intervals

2020-01-10 03:27:23 UTC  

and le epic science people go <:soy:515271052071534592>

2020-01-10 03:27:26 UTC  

Mathematically we know something is there.

2020-01-10 03:28:16 UTC  

I'll say that observing the wobble of a star, the period of its blinking and the degree to which it does so can indicate the presence of large planets

2020-01-10 03:28:20 UTC  

I see nothing wrong with that

2020-01-10 03:28:30 UTC  

Can indicate

2020-01-10 03:28:31 UTC  

I have a problem with "artist's renditions" depicting what that planet looks like

2020-01-10 03:28:42 UTC  

Its really too far away to tell

2020-01-10 03:29:07 UTC  

And Dasick, they estimate the size of exoplanets by monitoring light output over years. It's not really something we can know for sure because they are ao far away and the light difference is so little. But once you see a large about of data, stars dimming at very exact intervals... you can infer that there is something there.

2020-01-10 03:29:14 UTC  

niggas really be out here guessing what a planet looks like when we can't even precisely pin down its diameter, mass, or orbit

2020-01-10 03:29:33 UTC  

Thats what I said Worf

2020-01-10 03:29:41 UTC  

they determine it's composition based on the hue of the reflection

2020-01-10 03:29:54 UTC  

You said the stars blink. That implies it blocks out all light

2020-01-10 03:29:54 UTC  

since different atmospheres give away different hues

2020-01-10 03:29:57 UTC  

gotta remember that we sit on a really shitty vantage point in our galaxy, and we only have the one

2020-01-10 03:30:04 UTC  

It doesn't, it dims very very very slightly.

2020-01-10 03:30:09 UTC  

we can't see much from here

2020-01-10 03:30:34 UTC  

I really don't like the 'epic space science' people

2020-01-10 03:30:45 UTC  

that shit is the most irritating

2020-01-10 03:30:49 UTC  

"space big yo"

2020-01-10 03:30:51 UTC  

then again I don't like anyone

2020-01-10 03:31:21 UTC  

Yes, space is big. It's also fascinating. But people put far too much stock in science that we can't physically prove.

2020-01-10 03:31:29 UTC  

there's a tasteful way to engage with space

2020-01-10 03:31:39 UTC  

and then there are people who run around proclaiming shit they heard once as absolute fact

2020-01-10 03:32:16 UTC  

yes, STEM

2020-01-10 03:32:18 UTC  

yEaH dUdE, jUsT lIkE iN iNtErStElLaR!

2020-01-10 03:32:28 UTC  

I thought interstellar was a decent movie

2020-01-10 03:32:38 UTC  

It was

2020-01-10 03:32:43 UTC  

I didn't say it wasn't

2020-01-10 03:32:53 UTC  

but it has a really retarded fanbase

2020-01-10 03:33:01 UTC  

I didn't know it had a fanbase at all

2020-01-10 03:33:10 UTC  

at least a group of idolizers

2020-01-10 03:33:20 UTC  

I thought the "fanbase" consisted of a few dudes on 4chan and reddit who like to put the music over funny shit

2020-01-10 03:33:21 UTC  

It's a well done movie